music in the park, psychedelic furs

Secured property tax deadline coming up

HOLLISTER – The deadline for payment of the first installment of secured property taxes (without penalty) is April 10, by 5 p.m.

Property owners can pay by e-check or credit card by visiting or calling 1-866-923-6364; by mail to: Mary Lou Andrade, San Benito County Tax Collector, 440 Fifth St., Courthouse Rm. 107, Hollister, CA 95023-3894; or in person at the address above.

Children’s programs scheduled for National Library Week

HOLLISTER – In addition to the general public activities mentioned in the calendar section, San Benito County Free Library would like to highlight the children’s programs for National Library Week and the 95th Anniversary of SBCFL. On April 12 and 13, the library staff will host programs for children.

On April 12, from 5:30 to 6 p.m., there will be a story-time featuring special guest readers County Sherriff Darren Thompson and Hollister Firefighter Josh Buzzetta. On April 13, there will be a movie night featuring the film “Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked.” The movie will be shown from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., and popcorn and other refreshments will be provided during the viewing.Both of these programs will be in the Barbara Meeting Room (inside the library), and all library events are free of charge.

Details: 636-4107 or visit

Sunnyslope seeks vendors for flea market

HOLLISTER – Sunnyslope Elementary School is seeking vendors for a school flea market on April 21, from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. The event is open to the public and will be held in the school’s parking lot. For $15, vendors will get two parking spaces to set up their goods. Food and drink will be sold. The deadline to reserve a space is April 13.

The flea market will coincide with an e-waste collection at the corner of Sunnyslope Medical Park. Residents can drop off a variety of electronics and appliances including computers, monitors, keyboards, washers, dryers, vacuums, irons, space heaters, mp3 players, alarm clocks, hair dryers and more.

Details: Call Kris Rosales at 801-1833 or email su***********@gm***.com.

Free computer seminar for seniors

HOLLISTER – Leadership San Benito will be hosting a free computer seminar for seniors. The seminars will cover information on how to use computers, how to surf the web, connect with friends on Facebook and how to use cell phones. The seminars will be April 21, with instruction from 9 to 11 a.m. and an open session from 11 a.m. to noon, at San Juan School, 100 Nyland Dr., in San Juan; May 5 and 19, with instruction from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., with an open session, from 11 a.m. to noon, at San Benito High School, Room 477. Space is limited so RSVP is required. Details: 205-1799 or se*************@gm***.com.

Seniors Council hosts a forum

HOLLISTER – The Senior Council/Area Agency on Aging will be holding a public forum April 9, at 11 a.m. at the Hollister Community Center, 300 West St. The Seniors Council funds programs for seniors such as information and referral, home-delivered meals, meals at senior dining centers in Hollister and San Juan and family caregiver support services.

The purpose of the meeting is to share the plan for services for the coming year and to hear from seniors about what services are needed. A draft plan is available online at Those unable to attend the meeting are encouraged to send comments in writing to Patty Talbott, Seniors Council planner, at pa****@se************.org. Comments must be received by April 10.

Details: 688-0400 ext. 19.

Local businesses called to participate in Shop Hop

HOLLISTER – The Spring Shop Hop is scheduled for May 5. Businesses that are interested in participating in the shop local event can call Kathina at 638-1188 or email ka*****@sa***********.com.

For the inaugural Shop Hop event before the holidays, more than 60 local businesses participated and they raffled off 11 baskets full of local products or gift certificates. There were 722 entries from shoppers on the day of the event. The spring event will be more of the same.

Business after hours

HOLLISTER – The next Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours event will be April 11, from 5:30 to 7 p.m., 650 San Benito St., Ste. 130 hosted by the San Benito County Chamber of Commerce Green Committee. The evening will include wine, appetizers, a raffle, networking and a chance to learn about green business opportunities in the county. The CEO of Jayleaf is expected to talk for a few minutes about green business practices.

Details: 637-5315.

Kinder registration starts for San Juan School

SAN JUAN – Parents in San Juan may call the school to schedule an appointment to have children assessed for kindergarten and to register. Parents should bring a birth certificate, immunization card, and three proofs of address such as a rental contract, utility bill or phone bill. Physical and dental forms will be given at the appointment. Families that are interested in the dual immersion language program can indicate their interest when they register. Appointments will be scheduled for April 11 and 12.

Details: To schedule an appointment for assessment and to register, call Alicia Gonzalez at 623-4538.

Test drive a car, support Baler athletics

HOLLISTER – San Benito High School’s Baler Backers Athletic Organization and Hollister’s Tiffany Ford are partnering for a fundraising event Saturday, April 21 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the football parking lot. For every test drive of a vehicle onsite at the school that day, a donation will be made to Baler Backers – up to $6,000.

The annual fundraising event, called Ford Drive One 4 UR School, brings in $20 to Baler Backers for every test drive. Baler Backers’ mission is to support and encourage student participation in Baler athletics by providing financial support to the programs of the San Benito High School Athletic Department. For more information, visit

Class of 1982 plans reunion

HOLLISTER – The San Benito High School class of 1982 is planning a reunion for September. The reunion will be Sept. 15 at Leal Vineyards. Tickets are $50 per person.

Details: Call Teri at 636-8204, or visit the class of 1982 on Facebook, or SBJUHS website.

VFW wants to connect with those who served in French liberation

HOLLISTER – The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9242 of Hollister is looking for men and women from San Benito County that served in the armed forces that liberated France. The French government is planning to award those that are still alive with the Legion of Honor. Those who served in the liberation of France are asked to call the local post at 637-9028 and leave their name and phone number.

Pat’s Place accepts donations

HOLLISTER – Starting April 7, Pat’s Place will be open on the first Saturday of each month from noon to 3 p.m. to receive donations. The store will be closed for shopping, but donations will be accepted.

The thrift store benefits the San Benito County Food Bank. It is located at 101 Fifth St., in Hollister.

Details: 637-5500.

Stage company scholarships available

HOLLISTER – The San Benito Stage Company is offering its first scholarships to graduating seniors this year. The San Benito Stage Company Alumni Scholarship and the Dave King Memorial Scholarship are $500.

To be eligible, students must be a graduating high school senior, a resident of San Benito County, and must have been a participant as a performer or tech crew in a San Benito Stage Company production during their high school term. Applications are due April 23.

Applications are available at the high school career center, from a counselor or can be downloaded at

Details: 636-0122.

CSU Summer Arts

MONTEREY – CSU Summer Arts, a series of summer workshops, will start a five-year residency at California State University, Monterey Bay, this summer. The sessions run July 2-15 and July 16-29, at 8 a.m. The workshops are in visual, performing and creative arts. A performance at the end of the workshops will be open to the public, with date and time to be announced.

Details: 277-7443 or

Garlic recipe entries being accepted

GILROY – The Garlic Festival committee members are accepting entries for the Great Garlic Cook-Off through May 1. The July 28 Great Garlic Cook-Off is the headline event at the annual festival. Eight finalists will be selected to compete on stage. The original recipes must include a minimum of six gloves of fresh garlic or three teaspoons of chopped or minced garlic. At the cook-off, the recipes must be prepared, plated and served to a panel of six judges.

Submissions can be sent to: Gilroy Garlic Festival Cook-Off, P.O. Box 2311, Gilroy, CA 95021-2311 or by email to cl***@gi******************.com. Submissions should provide a recipe form and photograph of the final dish.

For more information, visit

Free compost class

HOLLISTER – Free composting classes will be held April 10 and May 15, from 6 to 8 p.m. Composting is a way to save money by lowering garbage bills and replacing store-bought soil conditioners. It helps garden and house plants by improving fertility and health of the soil, saving water by helping the soil hold moisture and reducing water runoff, and it benefits the environment by recycling valuable organic resources and extended the life of landfills. Participants will receive a free compost bin.

Limited space is available so call ahead to sign up. The workshop is sponsored by San Benito County’s Integrated Waste Management Regional Agency.

Details: 636-4110.

Local blood drive

HOLLISTER – There will be an American Red Cross blood drive held April 19, from 1 to 6 p.m., at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1670 Cienega Road. To make an appointment, use the sponsor code HOLLISTER.

Details: 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or

Hollister Hills offers educational opportunities

HOLLISTER – The interpretation department at Hollister Hills State Vehicular Recreation Area is gearing up to provide a variety of educational opportunities through the parks curriculum-based education program and its Junior Off-Highway Ranger adventure. The free programs offer educational, inspirational and recreational opportunities. The program will expose students to the various topics concerning the environment, cultural preservation, OHV safety and OHV recreational opportunities.

In addition to the outdoor program, Hollister Hills SVRA staff members will be holding a Junior Off-Highway Ranger program. The free program will provide participants the opportunities to reinforce safe riding habits, improve and enhance their skills and riding etiquette while learning about the importance of protecting natural and cultural resources.

Details: Those interested in scheduling a class field trip or participating in a Junior Off-Highway Ranger Program can call 636-2065 or e-mail hh***************@gm***.com.

Si, Se Puede! seeks activity leaders

HOLLISTER – Si, Se Puede! is seeking site activity leaders through the AmeriCorps program. The activity leaders assist with homework, reading, math and other learning activities at the after school program.

Candidates must be at least 18 years of age, be a U.S. citizen or legal resident, be a college student, be organized, a resource builder and a self-started, interested in helping children from a low-income community and able to commit to a six-moth term of service. The appointment is for April through Sept.

The position pays a living allowance of $2,590 paid our through the six months and an educational award of $1,175 upon completion of the term.

Details: Elise Hasty, 637-9097 or Ss*************@gm***.com or

Local blood drive

HOLLISTER – There will be an American Red Cross blood drive held April 19, from 1 to 6 p.m., at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1670 Cienega Road. To make an appointment, use the sponsor code HOLLISTER.

Details: 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or

Street Fest accepts vendor applications

HOLLISTER – The Hollister Downtown Association is seeking vendors for its 26th Annual Street Festival and Car Show, scheduled from July 21, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., in downtown Hollister. Applications are available online at or at the office, 455 San Benito St., Ste. 21. Booth discounts are available to nonprofits, HDA members and Hollister’s Farmers Market 2012 vendors.

Details: 636-8406 or ev****@do***************.org.

SBHS Class of 2002 reunion set

HOLLISTER – The San Benito High School class of 2002 reunion will be May 19, at Leal Vineyards, from 5 to 10 p.m. Tickets are $45 and reservations are required by April 19. Details: Monica Cordova at 562-754-4075 or class of 2002reunion on Facebook.

Foundation accepts grant application

HOLLISTER – The Community Foundation for San Benito County is accepting applications for is Community Impact Grants for 2012. Applications will be accepted through Sept. 28, and will be reviewed and approved on a monthly basis. To learn more about updated guidelines and the streamlined application process, visit

Details: 630-1924 or

Public Relations office at 636-2644 for additional information.

AARP offers tax aide program

HOLLISTER – The AARP Tax-Aide program offers free personal tax counseling and preparation assistance to taxpayers of low-to-middle income, with special attention to those ages 60 and older. Volunteers will be available to help residents on Monday and Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., through April 13, at the Hollister Community Center, 300 West St.

Participants should bring all the tax documents they have received in the mail, last year’s tax return and all relevant information on income and expenses. Volunteer counselors are not trained to assist in preparing tax returns that report business, rental or partnership income. Call ahead to make an appointment.

Details: Irma at 630-0642.

Free tax prep available

HOLLISTER – Volunteer Income Tax Assistance will show residents how to keep 100 percent of their tax refund. Get a refund fast and avoid hidden fees. IRS-certified preparers make sure residents receive the largest refund possible Refunds are available in 7-10 days with direct deposit. Sites will be open through April 11. Household income must be less than $50,000. What to bring: photo ID, SSN or ITIN, W-2s, 1099s, 1098s and any other tax form you receive; a voided check for direct deposit; and last year’s tax return.

The preparation is available at the following locations: Wednesdays, from 6 to 9 p.m., through April 11 at the Community Services and Workforce Development office, 1111 San Felipe Road, Ste. 108; Mondays, from 6 to 8 p.m., through April 9, at the Si, Se Puede! Learning Center Villa Luna Apartments, 850 Hillcrest Road, 637-9097; April 7, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Mars Hill Coffee House, 610 San Benito St., in Hollister.

Details: 637-9293 or visit

Story Time Camp coming up

HOLLISTER – Julie Engelhardt will offer a spring mini story time camp for children in grades kindergarten through second grade, April 9, 10 and 11, from 9 to 11 a.m. The theme is “Rescue Me From Boredom – Read a Good Book!” The cost is $20 per child, plus $7 for materials. The camp will focus on rescue personnel such as firefighters, police and paramedics, and include a trip to a local fire station and the police department.

Details: Email Julie at Je******@ao*.com.

Rotary plans for summer antiques fair

SAN JUAN – The Rotary Club of San Juan Bautista is planning its 49th Annual Antique and Collectibles Fair for Aug. 12, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., in San Juan. An appraiser will be available from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Applications are being accepted for vendor booths. The event this year will include an increase in vendors and food booths.

All proceeds go to the club’s community grants program, emergency fund for local families, leadership opportunities for high school students and the donation of dictionaries to all third-grade children in the Aromas-San Juan Unified School District.

Details: 207-2331 or email sj************@gm***.com.

Caregiver University set for April

HOLLISTER – The Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center, the Area Agency on Aging, Jovenes de Antano and the Seniors Council will host a Caregiver University April 21, at the Hollister Community Center, 300 West St., in Hollister. The Caregiver University is a series of conferences that support and educate caregivers who are caring for loved ones with chronic health conditions. This year’s free events will include new topics designed especially to meet the needs of caregivers.

An additional Caregiver Universities will be held May 19, at the Oldemeyer Center, 986 Hilby Ave., in Seaside.

Details: Sandra at 459-6639.

Art League calendars on sale

HOLLISTER – The 2012 Hollister Art League Calendars of local flowers are now on sale.

This calendar entitled “Beauty Around” features reproductions of original art in

oils, watercolors, acrylics, lino-cuts and photography by local artists.

These colorful calendars may be purchased at Blak Sage Gallery and Country Rose Gallery & Frame. All proceeds go toward San Benito High School art scholarships.

This project was made possible by a grant from the Community Foundation.

Details: 637-6062 or 638-0277.

Red Cross seeks volunteers

HOLLISTER – The American Red Cross, Monterey Bay Area Chapter is looking for volunteers to staff the Hollister chapter office. The chapter office is located at 357 Fifth St., and the hours are Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Shifts are four hours, once a week, but any hours will be considered.

Details: 636-2100 or contact volunteer Howard at 297-3696.

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Next articleHPD, CHP focuses on enforcement in school zones during April
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