music in the park, psychedelic furs

YMCA introduces new senior fitness program

HOLLISTER – The YMCA of San Benito County now offers a new fitness class designed specifically for seniors, EnhanceFitness.

The series includes specially developed and tested exercises for older adults. The program consists of one-hour classes that meet twice a week, and is designed to be socially stimulating while focusing on areas recognized as important to seniors: stretching, low-impact aerobics, strength training and balance.

The program is appropriate for active seniors as well as those who are “near frail.”

The classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 10 to 11 a.m., at the YMCA of San Benito County, 351 Tres Pinos Road, Ste. A-201.

Details: 637-8600.

PAL golf night

HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Police Activities League is hosting a golf fun night at Bolado Park Golf Club, June 29, at 6 p.m. The game will be played under the full moon. The cost is $45 per person and includes green fees, two “glow golf balls,” a light dinner and use of the kart. Advanced registration is suggested as space is limited to nine foursomes.

Details: 630-6323.

Patriotic pet photo contest

HOLLISTER – The Hollister Police Department’s Animal Care and Services department is sponsoring a patriotic pet photo contest. Entries are due July 15 and entry forms can be downloaded from the HPD website at

Residents can snap a photo of their patriotic pet along with a form that includes the owner’s name, pet’s name, address, email address and a an explanation of why the owner loves the pet. Photos are non-returnable and can be submitted by mail to: Hollister Animal Shelter, 1331 South St., Hollister, CA, 95023, or by email to sh*****@ho*******.gov with an entry form faxed to 636-4321.

Hot cars and Hot cakes

HOLLISTER – The Hollister United Methodist Church, 521 Monterey St., will host “Hot Cars and Hot Cakes,” July 21, from 8 a.m. to noon. It will be an all you can eat breakfast with pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage patties, orange juice and coffee. Tickets are $10 for adults or $6 for kids 12 and under. Take out meals are available.

Details: 637-4240

Historical Park dedicates history trail

TRES PINOS – The San Benito County Historical Society will host an Eagle Scout ceremony at 11 a.m. June 23, with a dedication of the new History Trail to follow at 11:30 a.m. The general membership meeting and potluck will be at noon, with guest speaker Martha Tobias talking on rural San Benito County schools after the lunch.

Visitors and guests are welcome to join the meeting, bringing a dish to share.

Details: Don Pidd at 902-9349 or do*****@sv*.net.

Bornia Boys perform at blues fest

HOLLISTER – The local blues band, the Bornia Boys, will perform at the Monterey Bay Blues Festival June 23, on the President’s Stage from 5:50 to 6:50 p.m. The festival is at the Monterey County Fairgrounds, 2004 Fairgrounds Road, in Monterey. The musicians will be selling their CD and T-shirts at the event.

Details: Call 394-2652 or visit

Fiesta at San Juan Mission

SAN JUAN – On June 24, Old Mission San Juan Bautista will celebrate the bicentennial dedication of its church with a fiesta, acknowledging Native American, Mexican, Spanish, Franciscan and settlers’ influence on the Central California area.

At 11 a.m., led by Azteca dancers and religious banners, priest and people will reverence the 200th anniversary with a procession from the church, through downtown and into the mission’s historic olive grove. This kicks off a multicultural, family-oriented fiesta. All are welcome for on-stage entertainment continuing until 5 p.m. with mariachi music, singers, traditional and contemporary Mexican music and dancing. There will be historic displays, a visit by Bishop Garcia, costumed participants, food, beverages, games and activities for all ages.

Admission and stage entertainment is free. Visit the museum and church to make a small donation. The gift shop will be open as well.

Details: David and Diana Bruce at 408-500-8353.

Historical Park dedicates history trail

TRES PINOS – The San Benito County Historical Society will host an Eagle Scout ceremony at 11 a.m. June 23, with a dedication of the new History Trail to follow at 11:30 a.m. The general membership meeting and potluck will be at noon, with guest speaker Martha Tobias talking on rural San Benito County schools after the lunch.

Visitors and guests are welcome to join the meeting, bringing a dish to share.

Details: Don Pidd at 902-9349 or do*****@sv*.net.

Bornia Boys perform at blues fest

HOLLISTER – The local blues band, the Bornia Boys, will perform at the Monterey Bay Blues Festival June 23, on the President’s Stage from 5:50 to 6:50 p.m. The festival is at the Monterey County Fairgrounds, 2004 Fairgrounds Road, in Monterey. The musicians will be selling their CD and T-shirts at the event.

Details: Call 394-2652 or visit

Garage sale fundraiser

HOLLISTER – P.E.O. International will host its annual garage sale fundraiser, June 29 and 30, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., at 1660 Valley View Dr., in Hollister. P.E.O. International, dedicated to fundraising for providing scholarships to local residents, will offer a huge variety of re-purposing items. Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Storytelling and indigenous gathering

HOLLISTER – The 16th annual Storytelling and Indigenous Gathering, a fundraiser for Indian Canyon, will be held June 30. The event includes storytellers, singers and dancers, including Ann-Marie Sayers, Kim Shuck, Joaquin – The Red Road, Kanyon Sayers-Roods, Dr. T & The Blues Criminals and more. Suggested donation is $20 for adults or $10 for students. Children under 10 are free. Details: RSVP to in*****************@gm***.com, 637-4238 or visit for more.

Top Hatters Annual Poker Run

HOLLISTER – The Top Hatters will host the 65th annual poker run June 30, with check in from 9 to 11 a.m. at Whiskey Creek Saloon, 201 Fifth St., in Hollister. The event is $20 and includes a run pin, support sticker, lunch and live music. The day coincides with Corbin’s third annual rider appreciation day.

The prizes include $300 for the high hand and a $500 gift certificate for the low hand.

Details: or email ho*******@ya***.com or call 801-6737.

Fourth of July Kiddie Parade and fireworks

HOLLISTER – The Annual Kiddie Parade will be held on July 4 at 10 a.m., beginning in the commuter parking lot at Veterans Memorial Park, on Memorial Drive. It will continue north on Memorial Drive to Marguerite Maze Middle School. Children of all ages are welcome to participate: walk, ride, roller skate, roller blade, etc. All entrants will receive an American flag. The Kiddie Parade is presented by the 4th of July Celebration Committee and sponsored in part by the City of Hollister and the San Benito County Chamber of Commerce. No dogs or motorized vehicles are permitted.)

The annual community fireworks display will be July 4 at dusk in the field adjacent to Marguerite Maze Middle School. The fireworks are a gift to the public from the 4th of July Celebration Committee and all of the local fireworks booths.

Details: Call Geri Johnson in the city clerk’s office at 636-4300, ext 16 or 637-1475.

Casino trip fundraisers

Jovenes de Antano Senior Services, of Hollister, will have fundraiser casino trips to various Indian Casinos every other first Saturday of the month, starting on July 7. Everyone over the age of 21 is welcome. Seats are sold on a first come basis and payment is required in advance.

Details: Call Pauline at 637-9275 or Dolly at 637-1980.

Blood drive

HOLLISTER – The American Red Cross will host a blood drive June 21, from 1 to 6 p.m., at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1670 Cienega Road, in Hollister. To make an appointment, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or go to and enter the sponsor code “HOLLISTER.”

Summer reading club starts

HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Free Library is kicking off its summer reading club June 21. The kick off will include a visit from Smokey the Bear. The theme this year is “Dream Big” for infants to children age 12 and “Own the Night” for teens ages 13-18. The summer reading club is from 4 to 5 p.m., with other events on June 28, July 5, July 12, July 19 and July 26. Registration begins on the first day of the program. Prizes will be given out at a to-be-determined date in July.

Fiesta at San Juan Mission

SAN JUAN – On June 24, Old Mission San Juan Bautista will celebrate the bicentennial dedication of its church with a fiesta, acknowledging Native American, Mexican, Spanish, Franciscan and settlers’ influence on the Central California area.

At 11 a.m., led by Azteca dancers and religious banners, priest and people will reverence the 200th anniversary with a procession from the church, through downtown and into the mission’s historic olive grove. This kicks off a multicultural, family-oriented fiesta. All are welcome for on-stage entertainment continuing until 5 p.m. with mariachi music, singers, traditional and contemporary Mexican music and dancing. There will be historic displays, a visit by Bishop Garcia, costumed participants, food, beverages, games and activities for all ages.

Admission and stage entertainment is free. Visit the museum and church to make a small donation. The gift shop will be open as well.

Details: David and Diana Bruce at 408-500-8353.

Homeownership workshop

HOLLISTER – Dreams & Visions Community Development will host the “Making Homeownership Affordable” workshop June 24, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. From 9 a.m. to noon speakers will discuss foreclosure prevention options, followed by a workshop on looking to buy a home from 1 to 4 p.m. The event coordinators are looking for sponsorship and vendors for the event. Participants and speakers include CJ Valenzuela, of the San Benito County housing department, and Elias Baracio, of the city of Hollister housing department. Details: 635-6813 or

Nominations wanted for Sacred Heart award

HOLLISTER – Sacred Heart School Foundation is again seeking nominations for its Hall of Distinction award, which is presented annually in November during the Celebrating Catholic Education dinner at San Juan Oaks. Alumni, friends, faculty or staff members, current parents, board members and parishioners can make nominations. Once an individual has been nominated he or she will remain eligible for three years.

Nomination forms can be found in the church vestibule of Sacred Heart, St. Benedict, Immaculate Conception and the San Juan Mission, as well as the Sacred Heart School office and Sacred Heart pastoral office.

The deadline for nominations is June 30. Awards will be given out Nov. 3.

Registration open for Kids Rule

HOLLISTER – San Benito Stage Company’s Kids Rule Theatre Camp is accepting registration for the program, scheduled June 25-29, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The camp is open to girls and boys ages 6 to 13. It includes workshops in ensemble music, dance movement, acting, improvisation, pantomime, small group vocals and more. Entry forms are available at Postal Graphics or by calling Kristy at 636-6810.

County library to accept passport applications

HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Free Library will soon be accepting passport applications on behalf of the U.S. Department of State. U.S. citizens planning international travel may soon apply for their passports by calling the library to schedule an appointment. The library is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; and from noon to 8 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays.

For application forms, information on documentation required, fees, and a wealth of other passport and international travel information, visit the only official website for passport information –

Details: call Community librarian Betty Mason at 636-4107 or email bm****@co**.us.

Work permits available

HOLLISTER – Students between the ages of 12 and 18 who plan to work with summer will need to have a permit to employ and work on file with their employers. Work permits can be picked up at the student’s school of attendance. Students under the age of 14 are only allowed to work in agriculture-related businesses or the entertainment field.

Applications for students attending rural schools can be obtained from the principal. Students are urged to process their applications before school is out for summer.

Students not attending a public school can direct inquiries to the San Benito County Office of Education, 460 Fifth St., in Hollister.

Si, Se Puede takes registration for summer, seeks activity leader

HOLLISTER – The Si, Se Puede Learning Center is seeking a site activity leader to work with kids between the ages of 5 and 13. The applicant must be 18 years of age, a US citizen or legal resident, a college student and able to commit to a six-month term from April to September 2012. Those hired will receive a monthly living allowance that totals $2,590 for the six months and an educational award of $1,175 upon completion of the program.

The center is also taking sign ups for its summer program. The program runs June 11 through Aug. 3, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The cost is $35 per week, per child for residents of the Villa Luna Apartments ($10 per week for additional siblings.) The cost is $70 per week per child for non residents ($20 per week for additional siblings.)

Details: Elise Hasty at 637-9097 or Ss*************@gm***.com.

Time changes for Ladies Auxiliary

HOLLISTER – The Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9242 will meet every second Saturday of the month at 4 p.m. The dues are $20 per year. Meetings are held at the Veterans Memorial Building, Room 204. Pins will be awarded for years of membership to celebrate 65 years in existence in Hollister. At a recent meeting, Ruth Gunnels, the only charter member in the group, was honored for her 57 years of service as treasurer. Details: Call Dolly De Vasier at 637-1980.

Class of 1982 plans reunion

HOLLISTER – The San Benito High School class of 1982 is planning a reunion for September. The reunion will be Sept. 15 at Leal Vineyards. Tickets are $50 per person.

Details: Call Teri at 636-8204, or visit the class of 1982 on Facebook, or the SBHS website.

VFW wants to connect with those who served in French liberation

HOLLISTER – The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9242 of Hollister is looking for men and women from San Benito County that served in the Armed Forces that liberated France. The French government is planning to award those that are still alive with the Legion of Honor. Those who served in the liberation of France are asked to call the local post at 637-9028 and leave their name and phone number.

Pat’s Place accepts donations

HOLLISTER –Pat’s Place is open on the first Saturday of each month from noon to 3 p.m. to receive donations. The store will be closed for shopping, but donations will be accepted.

The thrift store benefits the San Benito County Food Bank. It is located at 101 Fifth St., in Hollister.

Details: 637-5500.

Street Fest accepts vendor applications

HOLLISTER – The Hollister Downtown Association is seeking vendors for its 26th

Annual Street Festival and Car Show, scheduled from July 21, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., in downtown Hollister. Applications are available online at or at the office, 455 San Benito St., Ste. 21.

Booth discounts are available to nonprofits, HDA members and Hollister’s Farmers Market 2012 vendors.

Details: 636-8406 or ev****@do***************.org.

Foundation accepts grant application

HOLLISTER – The Community Foundation for San Benito County is accepting applications for is Community Impact Grants for 2012. Applications will be accepted through Sept. 28, and will be reviewed and approved on a monthly basis. To learn more about updated guidelines and the streamlined application process, visit

Details: 630-1924 or

Rotary plans for summer antiques fair

SAN JUAN – The Rotary Club of San Juan Bautista is planning its 49th Annual Antique and Collectibles Fair for Aug. 12, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., in San Juan. An appraiser will be available from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Applications are being accepted for vendor booths. The event this year will include an increase in vendors and food booths.

All proceeds go to the club’s community grants program, emergency fund for local families, leadership opportunities for high school students and the donation of dictionaries to all third-grade children in the Aromas-San Juan Unified School District.

Details: 207-2331 or email sj************@gm***.com.

Art League calendars on sale

HOLLISTER – The 2012 Hollister Art League Calendars of local flowers are now on sale.

This calendar entitled “Beauty Around” features reproductions of original art in

oils, watercolors, acrylics, lino-cuts and photography by local artists.

These colorful calendars may be purchased at Blak Sage Gallery and Country Rose Gallery & Frame. All proceeds go toward San Benito High School art scholarships.

This project was made possible by a grant from the Community Foundation.

Details: 637-6062 or 638-0277.

Red Cross seeks volunteers

HOLLISTER – The American Red Cross, Monterey Bay Area Chapter is looking for volunteers to staff the Hollister chapter office. The chapter office is located at 357 Fifth St., and the hours are Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Shifts are four hours, once a week, but any hours will be considered.

Details: 636-2100 or contact volunteer Howard at 297-3696.

Previous articleJoseph G. McCormack September 27,1917 – June 10, 2012
Next articleNonprofits to coordinate ‘12 Days of Giving’
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