music in the park, psychedelic furs

Friday 9/30
Summer movies series
A summer movies series ends Sept. 30 at the San Juan Bautista
State Historic Park Plaza, with a viewing of


All viewings are free and start at sunset. All children must
accompanied by a parent or guardian. No alcoholic beverages are
permitted. The series is a collaboration of the Plaza History
Association of San Juan Bautista State Historic Park and the San
Juan Elementary home and school club. Earthbound Farms is a

Friday 9/30


Summer movies series

A summer movies series ends Sept. 30 at the San Juan Bautista State Historic Park Plaza, with a viewing of “Vertigo.” All viewings are free and start at sunset. All children must accompanied by a parent or guardian. No alcoholic beverages are permitted. The series is a collaboration of the Plaza History Association of San Juan Bautista State Historic Park and the San Juan Elementary home and school club. Earthbound Farms is a sponsor.

Ranger-led hikes along the Anza Trail

Guests can join rangers for hikes along the Anza Trail Sept. 30. The hikes begin near Old Stage Coach Road at 6 p.m. Hikers should dress in layers as the trail’s location is influenced by afternoon winds. It may be warmer in lower elevations and then cooler above. Please drink water and wear hiking or tennis shoes with good tread. The hike is scheduled early enough so that participants can enjoy the free summer movie series at the San Juan Bautista School soccer field and/or enjoy dinner at a local restaurant. The program is presented in partnership between the National Park Service, Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail and California State Park San Juan Bautista Historic Park. For more information, call 623-4881.

California, Then & Now exhibit

A new art show, “California, Then & Now,” will run at the Mission Gallery, 106 Third St., from Sept. 17 through Nov. 1. The exhibit features the work of Dave Sellers, an oil painter who is showing pieces from his “artist notebook.” The smaller, more affordable pieces include a combination of oil painting, pencil sketches and artist’s notes. Dave Sellers will be on site for a meet the artist event Sept. 17, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The gallery is open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., weekdays and Saturdays except Tuesday. It is open noon to 6 p.m. on Sundays. For more information, call 623-2960


Art show at Blak Sage

Tattoo-inspired artwork by a local tattoo artist will be on display at the Blak Sage Gallery through Oct. 8.


Saturday 10/1


Memorial golf tourney

The Gerald Rawn Memorial Endowment Golf Tournament is Oct. 1, with registration beginning at 9 a.m., at Ridgemark Golf and Country Club. There will be a shotgun start at 11 a.m. and a barbecue dinner following the tournament at 4 p.m. The cost is $100 per person and includes golf, a cart, range balls and the barbecue dinner. The tournament raises money for scholarships for Boy Scout Troop 436, of Hollister, to be used for summer camp or college tuition. Gerald Rawn, who died in 1998, was a Scoutmaster for the troop for eight years and helped to re-enlist the troop in the 1980s. For more information, call Christopher Rawn at 689-7664 or visit

E-waste recycling

The San Benito County Democratic Central Committee will hold an e-waste recycling event Oct. 1, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., in the Save Mart Parking Lot on the north side. The proceeds will benefit student scholarships. For more information, call Monica at 313-0491.

Car wash fundraiser

The San Benito High School Outdoor Club will host a car wash fundraiser Oct. 1, from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Sunnyslope Medical Center.

Temple Garden event

The Hollister Japanese Temple Garden will host a meeting entitled “Synchronicity,” Oct. 1, at 1:30 p.m., at 920 Riverside Road, in Hollister. The presentation will by Don Belt, who will lead a discussion and meditation exercises. For more information or directions, call 637-6361.

Northern California Renaissance Faire

The Northern California Renaissance Faire will run through Oct. 16, Saturdays and Sundays, at Casa de Fruta, gate 6. The theme this weekend is “Pirate Invasion.” The only event includes costumed performers, entertainment, fine foods and handmade crafts. The Saturday evening event will include a Celtic Rock Concert series, with performances by Tempest, Wicked Tinkers and other bands. Tickets are $25 at the gate, children 12 and under are free. A weekend pass is $35 and covers admission for one weekend. A ‘Fairever” pass is $150 and allows access for all 10 days of the fair. For information and tickets, visit


Living History Days

The San Juan State Historic Park will host Living History Days Oct. 1, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. This month’s event will feature special activities to commemorate the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage, including a suffrage rally, speeches, a power point presentation on how women won the vote, and more.. Meet mountain men, Civil War soldiers, Victorian ladies and more. Enjoy crafts and cooking demonstrations. See historic horse-drawn vehicles inside the Plaza Stables and Victorian furnishings in the Plaza Hotel or Zanetta family home. Old-fashioned sodas will be available for purchase in the Plaza Hotel Saloon. Living History Days are held the first Saturday of every month. Admission is $3 for adults, and free for children 16 and under. There is free parking along the city streets. For more information, call Nikki Combs at 623-2753.

Fall Fair in SJB

A fall fair will be held in San Juan Bautista Oct. 1, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. It will feature booths of arts, crafts, antiques, imports and handmade items. For more information or to apply for a vendor booth, call 623-9275

or download application/info at

Sunday 10/2


Blessing of the Animals

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church will host a blessing of the animals service in honor of St. Francis day, Oct. 2, at 10 a.m., at 720 Monterey St., in Hollister. All feathered, furry and scaly friends and their owners are welcome at the short service that will take place in the backyard of the church. Animals should be brought on leashes or in cages or crates, as appropriate.


Ride to Recovery

The Ride to Recovery Golden State Challenge Watsonville barbecue will be Oct. 2, at 5 p.m., at the Watsonville Veterans Memorial Hall, 215 E. Beach St. The $10 donation includes the barbecue and the opportunity o meet 200 wounded warriors. There will also be a Carmel barbecue Oct. 3, at 5 p.m. at the Western Carmel Mission Inn, 3665 Rio Road. To participate, RSVP by Sept. 23 by calling Dorothy Franceschi at 373-5805 or e-mail [email protected]. Donations benefit the R2R Wounded Warrior Project.

Tuesday 10/4


Pizza night supports the troops

South Bay Blue Star Moms and Papa Murphy’s Pizza are hosting a fundraiser to support the troops. Diners can bring in or mention a flyer about the fundraiser on Oct. 4, at the Papa Murphy’s at 1740-B Airline Hwy., in Hollister, for 25 percent of their regularly-priced items to be donated. Customers have to mention the flyer to have 25 percent of their purchase donated. For more information, visit

Saturday 10/8


Bill Staines performs

The Aromas Community Grange will host folk music icon Bill Staines Oct. 8, at 7 p.m. Staines has 26 recordings to his credit and has written more than 300 songs. Admission to the all-ages show is a $15 donation and refreshments will be available for purchase. Staines will be on hand at 6:30 p.m. to talk with guests and to sell CDs or books. For tickets or more information, call Doug Clark at 726-2322 or visit


Sunnyslope flea market

The Sunnyslope Elementary School PTO is hosting a flea market Oct. 8, from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m., in the school parking lot. Vendors can receive two parking spaces for $15. Spaces are still available. For more information, call MJ at 801-3761 or e-mail [email protected].

Sunday 10/9


Paws for a Cause

The Hollister Animal Shelter will be hosting the Paws for a Cause drive-through barbecue event Oct. 9, from noon to 2 p.m., in the Animal Shelter parking lot, at 1331 South St., in Hollister. The barbecued tri-tip and garlic bread loaf is $25 and benefits the animals at the local shelter. The meal will be prepared by Ray Sanchez. The $25 donation is tax deductible. For tickets, call 636-4320.

5-course food and wine fundraiser

The Best of San Benito County Food and Wine is a 5-Course Food and Wine Pairing will be at San Juan Oaks Golf Club Oct. 9, at 3 p.m. It features wines from San Benito County and each course will be prepared by a locally raised San Benito County chef. The cost is $125 per person and there will be a live and silent auction. All proceeds benefit the Emmaus House. Tickets are available at Richard Shelton Insurance, 719 San Benito Street, Suite B, Downtown Hollister or Postal Graphics in the Nob Hill Shopping Center. Wineries: Alicats, Calera, Guerra, Jayse, Pietra Santa and Teague. Chefs: Matt Bolton, executive chef, Highlands Inn; Mike Fisher, banquet chef, Bernardus Lodge; Doug Kuerschner III, chef de cuisine, Carmel Valley Ranch & Country Club; Sean Shelton, sous chef, Peppoli at the Inn at Spanish Bay; and Rob Stevens, head chef, Inn at Tres Pinos

Friday 10/14


American Legion fundraiser

The American Legion will host a fundraiser yard sale at the corner of Seventh and San Benito streets, Oct. 14 and 15, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Hamburgers, hotdogs and drinks will be sold for a nominal fee. The group is accepting donations of sale items, but have asked donors not to leave furniture, baby car seats or mattresses. Donations can be dropped off Oct. 12 and 13, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Call Dolly at 637-1980 or Joe at 636-1354 for more information.

Golf Fun Night

The San Benito County Police Activities League is hosting a golf fun night at Bolado Park Golf Club, Oct. 14, at 6 p.m. Players will be able to golf under a full moon, using glow sticks to mark the tee boxes, fairways and holes. Golfers will also use lighted golf balls. Green fees, two glow balls, a light dinner and use of a cart is included for $40. Register in advance as space is limited to nine foursomes. The tournament will be nine holes with a shotgun start. There will be opportunities to participate in 50/50 putting and chipping competitions. To register, call 630-6325. San Benito County PAL is a nonprofit dedicated to building the bond between kids, cops and community.

Saturday 10/15


Eric Tognazzini Memorial Benefit BBQ

The Eric Tognazzini Memorial Benefit barbecue will be Oct. 15, from 5:30 to 11 p.m., at the Hollister elks Lodge. Tickets are $25 or $300 for a special reserved table for 10. Enjoy a barbecue dinner prepared by the Brignatino family, a raffle, silent auction, music, bocce ball, horseshoes and more. No host bar. Tickets are available at Postal Graphics, Mars Hill Coffeehouse and Drapoel’s. For more information, go to

Young Eagles Rally at Hollister Airport

Kids ages 8 to 17 fly free at the Young Eagles Rally at the Hollister Airport. Flights will be staged from Hugh’s Vintage Plane Museum at the Hollister Municipal Airport, between 9 a.m. to noon. This introduction to aviation is sponsored by the Hollister chapter of the Experimental Aircraft Association with support from the Hollister Airmen’s Association and the Bay Area Glider Rides. For more information, call Ed Owens at 637-0559 or e-mail [email protected].

Saturday 10/22


Condor Classic returns

The Condor Classic Bicycle Ride will be Oct. 22, starting at San Benito High School. The routes include a coastal challenge of 100 miles, the San Juan Trek of 75 miles, the Santa Ana Valley Ride of 40 miles, and the family friendly ride of 15 miles. The ride fee is $80 per person for the three longer rides or $50 per person for the family friendly ride. For more information, visit

Compassion Pregnancy 5K run and walk

Compassion Pregnancy Services will host a 5K run and walk for life Oct. 22, at Dunne Park, starting at the corner of West and Sixth streets. The entry fee is $35 for runners or $20 for those 12 and under. Walkers can raise money through sponsorship pledges. For the entry fee donation participants will receive a T-shirt, medals for first-third place runners in three age groups, jump house and a barbecue lunch will be available for an additional small donation. Online, mail-in or same-day registration is available. For more information, visit, e-mail [email protected] or call 702-467-4423.


The United Way of San Benito County is hosting an Oktober-Fiesta Oct. 22, from 3 to 7 p.m., at the Vault Restaurant. Teams will participate in a salsa-making contest. Attendees will have a chance to sample and judge their favorite salsas. Upstairs there will be a beer tasting from local breweries. The cost is $30 per person, with no one under 21 admitted. The fee includes salsa and beer tasting, a taco bar, a no host bar and local entertainment. For sponsorship opportunities, tickets or more information, call Starr Wolf at 332-7550 or e-mail [email protected].


Programs at Coyote-Bear

Several docent-led hikes are planned for Coyote-Bear, including a Haunted Hike on Oct. 22, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The two-hour docent led hike will follow the Martin Murphy Loop Trail in the Bear Ranch section of the park. An All-Hallows-Eve Hike is scheduled for Oct. 29, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., along the Coyote Ridge, starting at the campground trailhead near the park campground. An evening hike will also be held Nov. 12, from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., on the Martin Murphy Loop Trail. Nov. 19, guests will be able to learn about Ohlone Cuisine at the Coyote Lake Ranger station, from 10 a.m. to noon. For night hikes, dress warmly and bring a flashlight. A $6 vehicle entrance fee is charged at the Coyote Lake section for those not camping at the park. Reservations are required for the Oct. 22 and Nov. 12 events. Call 408-355-2240 to register or for more information call 408-842-7800.

Sunday 10/23


Fall fashion show and luncheon

The San Benito Cattlewomen will be hosting the sixth annual Fall Fashion Show and Luncehon Oct. 23, at the San Juan Oaks Golf and Country Club. Tickets are $25 per person. The event includes lunch, raffle prizes and fashions from Ranchers Feed, She’s, Tres Jolie Vintage, Bella Charms, Sweet Envy, Tres Pinos Ranch and Supply and LA Hearne. Tickets are available at Calvista Insurance, 370 Fifth St.; San Benito County Chamber of Commerce, 650 San Benito St. Ste. 130; Rancher’s Feed, 354 First St.; She’s, 620 San Benito St.: Tres Jolie Vintage, 748 San Benito St.; Bella Charms, 385 Prospect Ave.; Sweet Envy, 108 Third St, in San Juan Bautista; Tres Pinos Ranch Supply, 7020 Hwy. 25; or by calling Jayme Stewart at 81-0394.

Friday 10/28



San Benito Stage Company presents “Hairspray,” Oct. 28-Nov. 11. Tickets are available in advance at Salon 218 and Postal Graphics. The musical is set in 1960s Baltimore, as change is in the air. Tracy Turnblad dances and sings her way into the hearts of everyone on “Corny Collins Show.” The show includes performances by kids 13-19. For more information, call 636-6810.


Ghost Walk

Take a guided tour of ghost sightings and paranormal activities in San Juan Bautista. Tours will be given Oct. 28 and 29, at 6:30 p.m., 7 p.m., and 7:30 p.m. The tour starts at Santa Barbara Bank & Trust. The ticket price includes a goodie bag and beverages. Tickets are available at Shelton Insurance. For more information, call 637-8941.

Saturday 10/29


Red Ribbon Run

San Benito County Behavioral Health Services will host the 22nd annual Red Ribbon Run 5K and 1 mile fun walk, Oct. 29, starting at the San Juan Bautista State Historic Park. The walk begins at 9:30 a.m. and the run starts at 10 a.m. Raffle prizes and a trophy ceremony will be held after the run. Also after the run, guest speaker Debbie Allen will be the guest speaker for the drug and alcohol awareness event that raises money for prevention in local schools. Registration for the 1-mile fun walk is $10 for adults and children 12 and up, $5 for children 11 and under, or $10 each for the walk and a T-shirt. The 5K is $25 for adults and children 12 and up if registered before Oct. 15 or $30 for late registration. The 5K is $20 for children 11 and under if registered before Oct. 15, or $25 for late registration. The combined run and walk is $30 for adults and children 12 and up for those registered by Oct. 15, or $35 for late registration. The combined run walk is $20 for children under 11 who register by Oct. 15, or $25 for late registration. Some discounted registration is available online at For more information, call 636-4020 or visit


Night Time Poker Run

The Top Hatters-Hollister will host the 15th annual Halloween Night Time Pack Poker Run Oct. 19, with check in between 6 and 7 p.m., at Whiskey Creek Saloon, 201 Fifth St. The ride is open to the public and all bikers for a $20 donation. The high hand has a choice of $200 or a $500 gift certificate. The low hand will get whatever prize the high hand winner does not select. There will be a costume contest for best of show, best couple and scariest costume, as well as food, live music, a mystery prize, 50/50 and door prizes. For more information, e-mail [email protected]


Fall classic golf tournament

Bolado Park will host the Fall Classic Golf Tournament Oct. 19, with a shotgun start at 9 a.m. The cost is $55 per player and includes 18-hole scramble green fee, cart and a barbecue. Contests will include putting, longest drive, most accurate drive and closest to the hole. There will be mulligans for sale and donors can sponsor a hole for $50. There will be raffle and team prizes. For more information, call Bolado Park Golf Club at 628-9995.


Saturday 11/5


Rancho-Maze Band Craft Boutique

The Rancho-Maze middle school band members will host a craft boutique at Rancho San Justo Middle School, on Nov. 5, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event will feature direct sale and craft vendors, as well as drawings throughout the day. All proceeds benefit the band. Vendor applications are available by calling Mary Chase, at 809-5045 or by e-mailing [email protected].

Zumba class world record attempt

The Save the Music Drive is organizing an attempt to break a world record for biggest Zumba class Nov. 5, at the Rancho San Justo soccer fields, on the corner of East Park and McCray streets, in Hollister. Gates open at 9 a.m. for registration, with the class starting at 11:30 a.m. Any monetary donation to the Save the Music Drive will be accepted as admission. Live music will be featured from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. The goal is to get more than 1,223 participants in the Zumba class since the current record was set with that number of dancers in Brownsville, Texas. Volunteers are needed as well as participants. For more information, visit

Harvest bazaar

The Women of Hollister United Methodist Church will host the annual Harvest Bazaar Nov. 5, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., in the Fellowship Hall at Fifth and Monterey streets. Items for sale include homemade gifts, seasonal decorations, jams, jellies, salsa, pickles, baked goods and plants. Complimentary tea, coffee and cookies will be served. For more information, call 637-4240.

Celebrate Catholic Education dinner

The Sacred Heart Foundation will host its third annual dinner dance, Celebrate Catholic Education, Noc. 5, at 6 p.m. at San Juan Oaks, 3825 Union Road, in Hollister. The event is open to alumni, community members, parishioners as well as parents. All proceeds benefit the scholarship fund. Tickets are $65 per person or $520 for a table with sponsor recognition. Tickets are available at Sacred Heart School, 670 College St. The event will honor alumni, current and former teachers. For more information, call 637-4157 or e-mail [email protected].

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