Dear Editor:
Having been a member of law enforcement for 27 years, I hold a B.S. degree in criminology, and am a past president of the California Judges, Marshal’s and Constable Association.
I feel qualified to evaluate the ability and potential of Robert Scattini, your Hollister City Council seat candidate. Choose the best candidate.
With fiscal constraints, agency downsizing and not to mention state and federal cutbacks. San Benito County can be very proud of Marshal Scattini.
The City of Hollister can be assured this candidate will not only represent their interests, but businesses as well when dealing with these tough decisions ahead.
Raised in San Benito County, he knows the problems. You have elected this man as your sheriff, constable and his second term as marshal.
I met Robbie Scattini over a decade ago while working on legislation for the Marshal’s Association of California. Law enforcement officials respect this man from all over the state. His desire to become one of your City Council members is based on the belief he could provide the leadership necessary for the quality of service that the citizens of San Benito County expect and deserve. This man is friendly, caring and always seems to be involved in fund-raiser activities to help someone else in need.
Robbie Scattini has personally shared with me his concern for a good quality of life and his community made as safe as possible. As far as managing personnel, Scattini’s philosophy is and always will be “mistakes will be made,” errors have to be dealt with as soon as possible and in a truthful manner.
In closing, this is one of the finest individuals I have ever met. He is enthusiastic and aggressive, but not overbearing. His confidence is commensurate with his ability. I highly recommend that you cast your vote for Robert Scattini as Hollister’s next City Council member. With his attitude and ability to communicate, he should be a credit to your city as he has served San Benito County.
Rick Jarratt,
Training manager, Merced County Marshal’s Office