The true character of a person comes out in an election, often
dirty! Supervisor Cruz (a puppet for the Boss Hog clan) has had the
ballot changed to read 1 Bob Cruz! Cruz says the name Jaime de la
Cruz is the same as his.
A lady asked Cruz what district he was in. Ah, eh, er, ah, oh,
five. Apparently Cruz doesn’t know what district he is in and that
is very bad. But he really does not seem to know his name.
When an incumbent has a real threat to their seat, they start
throwing mud and blaming others. Wake up San Benito County. Let’s
make a clean sweep of all the present incumbents. We need to vote
in people who have the true interest of all the people in San
Benito County!

“The true character of a person comes out in an election, often dirty! Supervisor Cruz (a puppet for the Boss Hog clan) has had the ballot changed to read 1 Bob Cruz! Cruz says the name Jaime de la Cruz is the same as his.

A lady asked Cruz what district he was in. Ah, eh, er, ah, oh, five. Apparently Cruz doesn’t know what district he is in and that is very bad. But he really does not seem to know his name.

When an incumbent has a real threat to their seat, they start throwing mud and blaming others. Wake up San Benito County. Let’s make a clean sweep of all the present incumbents. We need to vote in people who have the true interest of all the people in San Benito County!”

“It’s refreshing to know the San Benito County Planning Commission has a chairman, Murrill Conley, stepping to the plate and making the right choice in voting against the San Juan Oaks golf and housing resort. This doesn’t surprise me as no one has ever been able to buy Conley or his vote. He is truly dedicated to the county and making the correct decisions to allow the county to move forward in a safe, positive direction. What’s wrong with the rest of the commissioners?”

“I’ve been waiting for a follow up story to ‘Deputy fires at suspect’s vehicle’ in hopes that Sheriff Curtis Hill would clean up the inconsistencies in that article.

Hill stated, ‘He (the deputy) followed all the procedures,’ also, ‘He used tremendous restraint relative to the use of force, up to the use of lethal force.’

I disagree. According to the article, the order or escalation of force used by the deputy was as follows: words, pepper spray. This was done only after the suspect threw the knife. It was at this point that the dog should have been released. Instead the deputy allowed the suspect to go back down the embankment and get back into his vehicle, thus creating the situation that was to follow, which was in my opinion an unnecessary or bad shooting.

It seems to me the escalation of force should be: words, pepper spray and or wrestling the suspect to the ground, the dog, nightstick and finally, when all else fails, deadly force.

For Hill to characterize this a good shooting is ridiculous and dangerous. For the public’s safety this incident needs to be honestly evaluated and critiqued and used as a lesson on how not to do it.

If the sheriff does not do this, it is time we organize a citizens review board to protect ourselves.”

“I understand that times are hard and layoffs are inevitable. These are hard times. But come on, lay off the fire chief? How can a department run efficiently without their leader? This seems to be common sense, something our City Council and city manager are lacking.

The money the City Council gets paid along with their benefits the city is paying would probably pay wages for one employee. Before the City Council makes the second biggest mistake (the first being bringing in the developers), please THINK of the consequences!”

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