Many citizens complain about not enough services in our
neighborhoods. The city employees claim that after layoffs, there
will not be enough workers for these jobs and there will be a
decrease in services.
Hello, where are you hiding at now? Let’s touch on this
wonderful mayor that we have, pondering layoffs so he hires a
private consultant to see where we need the layoffs. Another waste
of taxpayer money.
“Many citizens complain about not enough services in our neighborhoods. The city employees claim that after layoffs, there will not be enough workers for these jobs and there will be a decrease in services.

Hello, where are you hiding at now? Let’s touch on this wonderful mayor that we have, pondering layoffs so he hires a private consultant to see where we need the layoffs. Another waste of taxpayer money.

Also, we should thank the Council for that. If this guy has anything to do with the union, he will tell the Council we cannot have layoffs. Quit wasting time and start saving money.

Let’s touch on another fine job that the planning department is going to do. They and the Board are going to replace all the city sidewalks in town with concrete pavers. Sure, some sidewalks are bad, but not the whole city. Remember that we do not have enough money to pay the city employees. All of this work to be done was awarded to an out-of-town contractor and probably will go to out-of-town suppliers. No wonder why nobody wants to be in business in Hollister – the city officials run them out of town.

I think we should all thank the City Council again for this. These guys and girl all live in this community and will not support local businesses. It is time for a new City Council. So instead of doing all this work, let’s keep some of the valuable city employees and fix the problem spots in the city.”

“I noticed in the Friday Free Lance that Hollister youth football and cheer is stating that there are openings for cheer coaches at the Mascot, Mighty Might and Midget divisions. Isn’t it kind of strange that they have not interviewed those coaches that have already applied? Have they already hand chose who will be coaching for cheer? It looks like they have already hand chosen who will be coaching for football, even though they have not even interviewed as of yet? It’s pretty strange. I hope the parents don’t allow this, and that they go to the board and demand that the proper interviews be done.”

“There appears to be a lot of vocal citizens against Measure G. Don’t be fooled – these are not your average citizens. They are property owners, realtors, contractors and developers.

One of the candidates for Supervisor District 1 states Measure G will ‘take away development rights.’ Don’t you mean it might inhibit farming and heritage flexibility? After all, isn’t that the case you keep fighting for? I think you are confused.

Another candidate in the same district states ‘Measure G will not allow for upward mobility for local farmers,’ i.e. development. Shouldn’t upward mobility mean successful farming and ranching and their ability to enhance their life style though modern technology for ranching and farming?

If Measure G fails like the slow growth measures L and M, then I will assume the community wants urban sprawl, wants more kids in a classroom, wants more septic tanks near our aquifers, wants more traffic on the county and city roadways (more people on Highway 25), wants more pollution, wants less land to farm …

If you think Measure G proponents care about the average homeowner, think again. Tell me how Measure G keeps the property owner from taking care of their children? You don’t need to subdivide to give the ranch to the children do you? This measure has absolutely nothing to to with kids’ inheritance – it has to do with selling off five acres for a whole lot of money for more out-of-towners.

If Measure G fails and pro-growth candidates are seated in the next election, you will see exactly where your 1-percent growth will stand. It won’t. Just three out of five votes will change that. If you want development that provides jobs, let’s see some multiple family, industrial and commercial first because that’s really the area that needs addressing. The county needs more $750,000 homes like a hole in the head.

Are we supposed to feel sorry for local farmers and ranchers that are having to dig deep into their pockets? Some of them have deep pockets from developing their land. So bring all of your children from your 6,000 to 10,000 overpriced square foot lot to meet the very privileged kids from the 1,000 acre ranches and farms.

I’ll take a wacko environmental group over our greedy property owners any day. Don’t be fooled, vote Yes on Measure G.”

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