I’ve read with interest the comments on the forming of the
‘secret grand jury’ by our less than lustrous District Attorney
John Sarsfield. What I’ve noticed is that the local attorney’s bar
association has not stepped forward on the issue. Why?
If you have an attorney retained or plan on hiring one, I would
suggest, for your own safety, ask the attorney where he or she
stands on the forming of the secret grand jury. If he/she says
they’re for it or don’t have an opinion, get yourself another
“I’ve read with interest the comments on the forming of the ‘secret grand jury’ by our less than lustrous District Attorney John Sarsfield. What I’ve noticed is that the local attorney’s bar association has not stepped forward on the issue. Why?
If you have an attorney retained or plan on hiring one, I would suggest, for your own safety, ask the attorney where he or she stands on the forming of the secret grand jury. If he/she says they’re for it or don’t have an opinion, get yourself another attorney.”
“The only sour grapes going on here is you worried about not getting your way with development. You see why we write anonymously? Because you are vicious in your attack against anyone opposing your view of development.
The opponents of Measure G even said in a past Citizens Voice ‘that they hadn’t seen any of the members of the proponents at the Little League field, volunteering at the hospital, raising money or providing labor for the Emmaus House, sitting on a school board, volunteering at the County Fair, working to plan downtown festivals or parades, coaching soccer teams, participating in local service clubs, etc.’
That is just not right because me and my family (natives) are out in the community volunteering all the time so this accusation is just a plain slap in the face for anyone opposing your view on development that have volunteered just as much as the opponents of Measure G.
I will agree with one thing in that opinion, that the opponents of Measure G have made this community what it is and from where I sit it’s not too good.”
“If Mr. Marcus wants to bring honesty to government, he should tell the truth about his income. He is one of our biggest local developers.”
“Here’s something the secret grand jury should know: District Attorney John Sarsfield is protected by law for actions taken when filing criminal cases. In short, the law protects him from being stupid. I believe it’s called qualified immunity, which means he can be sued as an individual for action not covered by the qualified immunity.
The law also protects Judge Harry Tobias even more so. As an example, Tobias orders a young woman back to Hollister where her husband murders her and kills himself. Nothing happens to Tobias. Yet, Robert Orabuena makes a legal left hand turn and goes to jail for a year. San Benito injustice at its worst.
My point? Like Sarsfield, but as a group, the new secret grand jury also has qualified immunity. But, if they go outside the parameters set for them by law and violate ANYONE’S rights, they can be sued as individuals. Knowing this, are they really going to trust Sarsfield and Tobias to direct them? God help us all if they do.”
Please send anonymous e-mails on any subject to ed****@fr***********.com. You
can send them through our Web site
at freelancenews.com. No originating
e-mail addresses will be printed or revealed.
Or just call the Citizens Voice Hotline at 831-637-5566 ext. 333 and leave your message. The Hotline is in operation seven days a week, 24 hours a day. You don’t need to leave your name and no caller ID is being used.
Also, Citizens Voice anonymous contributions can be made by mailing them to the Hollister Free Lance, 350 Sixth St., Hollister, Calif., 95023 or by faxing to 637-4104.
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