Fall Ball Little League should be under scrutiny! The teams this
year were handpicked. The reason for changing the system this year
was so no one team would be heavy with talented players. That is
why many of us parents don’t understand how the major Dodgers ended
up with four, possibly five, players for the 9-10 All Star
Championship team. Why did that team get so stacked?
Fall Ball is played to learn the basics and to learn different
positions, but every time we see the Dodgers playing, it seems like
their all-star players are playing the same positions they played
while on the All-Stars. How fair is that to the other players on
the team?
Sometimes people who have too much power end up doing some
unethical things. We need some accountability!

“Fall Ball Little League should be under scrutiny! The teams this year were handpicked. The reason for changing the system this year was so no one team would be heavy with talented players. That is why many of us parents don’t understand how the major Dodgers ended up with four, possibly five, players for the 9-10 All Star Championship team. Why did that team get so stacked?

Fall Ball is played to learn the basics and to learn different positions, but every time we see the Dodgers playing, it seems like their all-star players are playing the same positions they played while on the All-Stars. How fair is that to the other players on the team?

Sometimes people who have too much power end up doing some unethical things. We need some accountability!”

“So, I see we have a Reb supporter. Either you don’t know that he is backed by developers to the north or you are one of them. Or maybe you are a realtor, developer or property owner because you sure sound like one. Reb is no different than Richard P., and thank God we have people like Richard S., Bob, Rita and Ruth that can see through the deception.

You also misconstrued my point about future building. I said that we should not build one more house until we can provide jobs for the people living here. What part didn’t you understand? Also, I can sense that you haven’t been here long or you would know that the initial damage was done by Frank, Harold, George K., George S. and Enos with their five acre zoning and Ridgemark. Didn’t Rita stop almost single-handed Paicines Ranch? And didn’t Rita endorse a slow growth candidate after she retired? Maybe that’s what’s irritating you. Didn’t we learn anything since the failure of L&M.

Voters don’t be duped again. Vote for slow growth in March ’04. Every single citizen that cannot afford to buy a house should vote for slow growth because, believe me, it is not going to get any cheaper so long as we continue to be a bedroom community for Silicon Valley. Commercial and manufacturing with good paying wages must come first and then we can talk about houses being built at a much slower rate than they have been in the past. Once again true ranchers and farmers should be raising livestock and growing food, not houses.”

“I thought I knew my local politicians. I thought I could trust them. We all thought we could trust them. How wrong we were. All my life, all I ever wanted to do was to serve my community to the best of my ability with honor and dignity. Little did I know I would find myself in a den of thieves. Not thieves in the literal sense – their transgressions would be far too obvious. No, they are much too clever for that. They guise themselves as selfless servants to their community who are all the while taking their measure unchecked. And since they are all in it up to their eyebrows, no one will ever point to the other. So the manipulations and abuses continue in perpetuity. There are no honorable politicians and there never will be because they are all a part of the same cancer.”

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