music in the park, psychedelic furs

In a split 3-2 vote the Hollister City Council decided to bring back the famed Hollister Independence Motorcycle Rally next year with a five-year contract with Roadshows Inc.

The council also approved a contract with All Year Sports Galaxy that will bring an ice rink downtown during the holiday season, and agreed to close Sevinson Street for the annual Halloween block party.

The motorcycle rally will be held July 3-5 in downtown Hollister. Last year the city did not contract with a promoter, but instead several events were held on private property throughout the city. Councilmember Carol Lenoir and Vice Mayor Marty Richman wanted to keep the rally on private property.

Richman and Lenoir said they were in support of the rally being held, but didn’t want liability to fall on the city. Richman had continuing concerns over additional police officers that would be needed for security.

Councilmembers Rolan Resendiz and Honor Spencer and Mayor Ignacio Velazquez saw the rally as an opportunity for a tourism boom in the city and to preserve a Hollister “tradition.”

“I do think we do a good job at doing the biker rally. I think the biker rally has been politicized in the past,” said Resendiz. “I think we have an identity crisis now because of this.”

The city has held the rally periodically over the past two decades. 

Roadshows will pay the city $130,000 to host the rally. As the promoter, Roadshows will be responsible for organizing the rally and the events taking place.

“Promoter shall obtain and manage the rally within the event area including retail, food and beverage vendors, musical and performance events, and motorcycle displays and activities at the rally. Promoter shall ensure that vendors, bands, and performers comply with all applicable local, state or federal laws and regulations,” said the contract.

“This is part of our legacy,” said Resendiz. “This is who we are.”

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