The San Benito County Fair has announced its theme for the 2014 event to be held in early October. The following is the fair announcement on this year’s theme:
“Pigs, Pies and Paintings” is the San Benito County Fair’s theme for 2014. Theme suggestions were solicited on the fair’s Facebook page www.facebook.com/sanbenitocountyfair and forwarded to the Fair Board’s committee for consideration. San Benito County resident Lillian Casillas had the winning idea.
The theme will inspire the poster art and will be used by the various departments to build the displays that attract an increasing number of fairgoers each year.
The San Benito County Fair celebrates the rich agricultural history of our community and people, and invests heavily in bringing this heritage to our youth. The 2014 Fair will be held October 3, 4 and 5 at Bolado Park
Events Center located in Tres Pinos, just south of Hollister. Information on the Fair, and Bolado Park Events Center – a year round entertainment and event venue, can be found at www.sanbenitocountyfair.com and by following us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/sanbenitocountyfair and www.facebook.com/boladoparkeventscenter and on Twitter (@BoladoPark).