While San Benito County has more than 2,000 residents enrolled in an Affordable Care Act insurance plan, one resident is concerned about a lack of doctors here willing to take on many of those patients.
San Benito County had 2,121 people enrolled in a so-called Obamacare plan as of this week, according to a spokesman for Covered California, the state’s exchange for the plans. Of those, 1,967 of the people are set to receive subsidies, according to Covered California.
The county’s insurance offerings include Anthem, Blue Shield and Healthnet plans, according to the exchange.
One local resident, though, has been outraged by the lack of doctors taking the new patients. South County’s Susan Clough claimed after going through the enrollment process, she realized that many local doctors aren’t accepting the patients.
“People need to know about this,” Clough said. “They can’t force you to pay for insurance that is useless.”
Complaints have reached the county government level as well, as the board of supervisors last week agendized a discussion on the same issue.
Look back for more next week.