A rush of job seekers arrived at 10 a.m. to get their resumes to potential employers at the San Benito County One-Stop Career Center job fair last Wednesday.
The job fair ran from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., but staff members said many of those looking for employment arrived early on.
Joey Patino said he was looking for either a full-time job or a part-time job that would supplement the part-time job he already has. He works as a stocker at a grocery store, but said he is looking for more hours. He has attended ROP classes in Gilroy and brought a folder of resumes with him to hand out to employers.
“I have a job now, but it’s not enough hours,” he said.
Patino was one of nearly 300 people looking for employment with the 20 businesses present at the job fair, including businesses from San Benito County and other nearby counties. Some of those looking to hire included Panda Express, Lowe’s, Kohl’s, Mi Pueblo and Pinnacle National Monument, among others. There were also several employment agencies present including Aerotek, Kelly Services, Manpower and Nelson Staffing.
Tracy Ottey, of Aerotek, said her agency works to match people with the right job for their skills. They place employees from Salinas to Fremont, including some positions in San Benito.
“Everyday we have openings we are filling, from admin to I.T.,” she said.
She said the contract positions can range from a few days up to long-term assignments, depending on the positions.
“We have a constant flow of openings,” Ottey said. “We have a large array of clientele. It’s all about helping people find what they want to do every day.”
Ottey said she had collected about 70 resumes just in the first hour of the fair.
The job seekers who turned out to the event ranged in age from recent high school graduates up to senior citizens. Some came dressed in a shirt and tie, while others wore more casual outfits.
Joe Soto, a 2012 graduate of San Benito High School, was dressed in a black button down shirt and black pants for the event.
“I’ve been looking for a job for months, but I’ve had no success,” he said.
He had heard about the job fair from a few people and decided to come out, with a stack of resumes in hand. Soto, who plans to go to school in San Jose to become an auto mechanic, said he was open to part-time or full-time employment while he waits to start classes.
Soto said he already had a resume together because he had received help on it at SBHS and at the One-Stop Career Center.
Soto had talked to representatives from Panda Express, New Balance, Chamberlain’s Children Center, Kelly Services, Lowe’s and Kohl’s.
Aside from the time he’s spent on his job search, the biggest challenge for him is talking with employers.
“I’m shy and I get nervous,” he said.
The One-Stop Career Center provides assistance to job seekers Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., at 1111 San Felipe Road, Ste. 107, in Hollister. For more information, call 831-637-JOBS (5627.)