I want to comment on the long article in the weekly newspaper
about our river problems. Lots of talk no solutions. In my opinion,
the lack of planning 20 years ago caused this disgrace. For
example, when they start planning to mine by Hospital Road, I
believe that was over 20 years ago.
Dear Editor,

I want to comment on the long article in the weekly newspaper about our river problems. Lots of talk no solutions. In my opinion, the lack of planning 20 years ago caused this disgrace. For example, when they start planning to mine by Hospital Road, I believe that was over 20 years ago.

The county should have told the miners, if you want to mine you must build a cement wall in a backward V on the lower side to the level where you believe the gravel should be kept. They could mine and every time the river runs, it would fill back in instead of allowing the gravel to run into the ocean. One of these walls below the Union Bridge could build the gravel to a level that would leave the bridge with a solid foundation. A new bridge costs millions, but repeating the V wall where ever they feel it would help to maintain the level of the river would solve their problems.

Twenty years ago, there was no problem with the Fish and Game. We county workers used to put up many crossings every winter without any permission from Fish and Game. It was a routine every year, before rains or after, that the county would have two dozers channel the rivers. I never heard that the county had to get a permit to do that. Now, the Fish and Game is sensitive. I don’t know if this could be done again.

The 20 years I worked for Pubic Works, I recognized that most of the ones I worked with didn’t like to think. Thinking creates work and that is one thing most people don’t like. The only time I saw them happy with a smile was when the conversation was about more benefits, insurance for life and ‘after we retire,’ etc., etc. Except for some of our head leaders with a love for power, they all are thinking about more laws, rules and regulations instead of working with what is really important like the river. That, I don’t feel is to the benefit of the county or the public.

I am not an engineer, but with my years of experience, with an attitude to learn, I am certain this plan would work and save a lot of acres we lost off the banks. Because this wall on a V would push the current to the center of the river.

I hope our new leaders learn before making decisions based on no common sense. I’ve learned in life that common sense is a must for success. You cannot go anywhere with leaders who don’t have it. God knows this is just my opinion.

Amadeu Lima, Hollister

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