Republican State Sen. Jeff Denham, who represents San Benito County, continues to stand as the lone GOP candidate running so far for lieutenant governor in 2010 and has raised more than $1.1 million toward the effort.
Denham, after talk throughout 2008 of a possible bid, officially announced his candidacy for the state’s No. 2 position in December. His campaign spokesman Kevin Spillane noted the more than $1.1 million raised so far and, when asked about a fundraising goal for the campaign, generalized that it would be “several million dollars” while pointing out how expensive it is to run statewide.
The spokesman pointed to three primary roles of the lieutenant governor that include being a state lands commissioner, a University of California regent and chairman of the California Commission for Economic Development. In making a case for Denham’s relevance to all three, Spillane contended how Denham would pursue disposal of surplus assets such as the L.A. Coliseum and a vacation villa in Tahiti as a lands commissioner. He said education is a “passion” of the senator. And he said Denham is an advocate for job creation.
“He has made a contribution to the state senate and he believes he can do the same in statewide office,” the spokesman said, contending that Denham has proven he can attract Republican, Democrat and independent voters.
Most of his fundraising help so far has been from existing supporters such as constituents in the agriculture communities of the Central Valley and Central Coast. He has started meeting some new people outside of his base in Southern California, Spillane said.
The two Democratic candidates considering runs are State Sens. Alan Lowenthal, D-Long Beach, and Dean Florez, D-Shafter, Spillane pointed out.