When it comes to Christmas, I’m sure we agree that we want it
all to be perfect. Ideal gifts for everyone, food and decorations
to die for and, marking all of our days in December, a disposition
so calm and serene folks will marvel about it for months. Sort of
When it comes to Christmas, I’m sure we agree that we want it all to be perfect. Ideal gifts for everyone, food and decorations to die for and, marking all of our days in December, a disposition so calm and serene folks will marvel about it for months. Sort of Martha-Stewart-meets-Dr.-Phil.

I am SO way not there … what I DO have is that festive holiday glint in my eye that tells everyone that they cross my path at their own peril; I mean, somebody has to get this holiday happiness on a roll.

As if on a loop, my brain lopes from this to that: Finish shopping; greeting cards (haven’t even addressed an envelope); and baking! Do I have enough flour, sugar, chocolate, festive holiday sprinkles? And wrapping … OMG, gotta wrap gifts, get them under the Christmas tree … which, YIKES, still isn’t decorated!

On it goes. Soon this brain loop infiltrates everything. Driving in my car it ceaselessly spins its way in and out of my mind. And isn’t it always this time of year when EVERY driver out there is just stunningly slow? The light has turned green already, and the guy in front of you simply sits there.

No, I am not one of those rude drivers who honks at the driver in front to get them moving. Well, not unless they obviously haven’t observed that the light changed perhaps two seconds ago, and then come on! You owe it to them to give them a little tap with your horn.

This time of year, if I am out and about and really running late, I may opt for the drive-through dinner. I hate myself for doing this because at home is the nice piece of fish thawing, but really, who has time to be healthy during the holidays? So I pull into the drive-through lane behind a minivan with approximately 74 kids inside and the driver, who seems genuinely surprised to be asked for her order, has to canvass each and every kid about what they want to eat.

Of course she gives only a rough draft of her order to the fast food person manning the speaker. It will take at least seven revisions before the driver gets it right, and there will be even further discussions at the payment window. Good thing I’m saving all this time on dinner.

At home, nothing goes right. The dog becomes needy. He needs out. And then in. And then out. I seriously need doggie diapers. If I could simply take him out, say, on Saturdays instead of this incessant in-and-out business maybe I could actually finish my holiday decorating, baking, wrapping and greeting card mailing.

Every so often what seems like a rational query knocks on the door of my over-burdened brain. Why do I do this to myself? Each year I swear I’ll be more organized so I can ENJOY the holiday season rather than ramming through it like I’m possessed. But that thought is pushed away because my Christmas village, which has taken on suburbs, needs re-arranging. The city planner in me relocates the pine forest at the edge of town to the area where Santa is visiting, maybe … oh, good grief! I need to calm down and get a grip here!

Perhaps what’s getting me down is there needs to be more holiday “giving” in my holiday “living.” I’m too wrapped up in things that don’t matter. Yes, I do my annual dropping off of food, toys and the like for those less fortunate because I am truly grateful for all of my blessings. But in the meantime, I simply must – MUST! – locate that hard-to-find item my spouse requested for Christmas. I’ll just check online and see if …

“LIGHTNING DEAL?” What the …? OK, if I order this burping-doll-in-pink-tights-and-tutu in the next 14 minutes and 9 seconds I will save more than 40 percent. Wow! This doll would be perfect for Gracie so I’ll hurry up and – STOP IT! Flashing on my screen a message says I now have less than 8 minutes to make my purchase and checkout or I’ll lose this breathtaking bargain – except what about my spouse’s gift? Can I still do it? Is there time? YES!!!! Scored on that one, but I need to lie down. Or take a pill. Or both.

So I was feeling somewhat overwhelmed the other day when I decided to drop by my daughter’s house where my three grandbabies were playing together. And what do you know … here’s 3-year-old blonde-headed Gracie nuzzling my neck as her year-and-a-half old sister, Emily, clambers onto my lap, and toddling toward me as fast as his chubby legs will carry him comes almost 1-year-old Charlie, his big snaggly-toothed grin lighting up the room. And I got it … I finally got it. The holiday magic. It was right here all along.

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