San Benito County Supervisor Robert Rivas’ political campaign announced last week the endorsement of Equality California in the race for the 30th State Assembly District.
“I am extremely proud to be endorsed by Equality California,” Rivas said. “I am dedicated to making sure all Californians are fully represented in Sacramento.”
The civil rights organization noted that as a county supervisor, Rivas led the effort to create the first LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) resource center in San Benito County and developed partnerships in the community to create ongoing discussions about LGBTQ issues.
“Robert Rivas has been an outspoken advocate to assure that government programs meet the needs of LGBTQ people in his rural community,” said Rick Zbur, executive director of Equality California. “As a member of the San Benito County Board of Supervisors, he has demonstrated his strong commitment to the LGBTQ community and we look forward to his continued leadership as a member of the California Assembly.”
Equality California describes itself as the nation’s largest statewide LGBTQ civil rights organization. Its stated goal is to “bring the voices of LGBTQ people and allies to institutions of power in California and across the United States, striving to create a world that is healthy, just, and fully equal for all LGBTQ people.”
More information on Rivas’ campaign for State Assembly can be found at www.rivasforassembly.com.