When Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope and Jamie Wooton got together to write” Farce Of Nature,” I wonder if they realized what an amusing piece they would create. This fast moving, multi-plotted production is a hilarious bit of comedy that moves like a runaway train.
With a sharp, quick-witted cast, director Marion Pintello brings in a well-done piece of work. The timing in this world premiere production is spot on, and the cast delivers with detail and great energy.
Opening night seemed to go off without a hitch, and the audience appreciated the work that went into making this a smooth-running show that delivers a laugh a minute.
The unsung (no name credit in the program) hero of the evening was the light and sound man. No production goes anywhere without him. He hit every cue, which enhanced the performance. Sets, lighting and sound are well-delivered.
Pintello Comedy Theatre is a family affair with the family members participating in just about every aspect of the production. Four productions are offered every year.
An evening with Pintello Comedy Theatre is a winner, and if you’re one of the few who hasn’t enjoyed one of their productions, you’re missing out on an amusing evening. The audience and cast seem to have as much pleasure with one another to make this a love fest. So go the Gilroy Grange Hall, enjoy and relax. Where can you get a better offer so close to home?
Camille Bounds of Morgan Hill is the Theater, Arts and special events Editor for Sunrise Publications.