Matchmaker makes a difference
Where to find it: Volunteer Match
Who runs the site: Jay Backstrand is a co-founder of Volunteer
Match and a former President. In 1998 he and his business partners
launched the site with the goal of helping people find volunteer
opportunities in their cities with less hassle. Backstrand serves
on the Board of Directors for the nonprofit, and volunteers with
nonprofits that deal with hunger and environmental causes.
Matchmaker makes a difference
Where to find it: Volunteer Match –
Who runs the site: Jay Backstrand is a co-founder of Volunteer Match and a former President. In 1998 he and his business partners launched the site with the goal of helping people find volunteer opportunities in their cities with less hassle. Backstrand serves on the Board of Directors for the nonprofit, and volunteers with nonprofits that deal with hunger and environmental causes.
Who is likely to use the site: The site is perfect for nonprofits that want to get the word out about volunteer opportunities, or for people who are looking for just the right volunteer opportunity.
Pros: At Volunteer Match, users can search the database for volunteer opportunities for free, or they can sign up for a free account that will send them e-mail alerts when volunteer jobs they may be interested in become available. Those seeking volunteers include nonprofits, government agencies, for profit hospices and hospitals and political campaigns. These groups can sign up for a free account or they can pay a fee to become a community leader.
Users can search for volunteer jobs based on a location or on a certain type of group they want to work with. A search of a local zip code for groups working with animals returned several local shelters. They can also search by organization if there is a specific group they want to work with. The listings give a description of the agency and the jobs.
In addition to the search engine, volunteers can share their stories about their own experiences.
Cons: The one downside to the site is that many of the volunteer opportunities are concentrated in major cities, such as San Jose and San Francisco. We know just how many nonprofits there are in San Benito County and how much volunteers mean to them, so we suggested all the local groups sign up for an account at Volunteer Match and start posting opportunities. According to the site, 25 percent of users are first-time volunteers and 50 percent are under 30 so it seems like it would be a great way to tap into some unused potential in San Benito County.