Andrea Joseph

Is it just me or does it feel like only yesterday we welcomed 2014 and sang auld lang syne into that New Year? Maybe it is me, but as I get older, time seems to pass more quickly. Workdays become weekends and then I’m back at the office before I really even have time to catch my breath.
Enter 2015.
This is going to be a good year. The last few have held loads of difficulty, loss, various heartbreaks. My hope is that 2015 will be—maybe not full of great things—but at least calm, somewhat smooth sailing.
The New Year is always a good time to look back and be grateful for lessons learned and an opportune time to look ahead and reset for a fresh start.
Although I just had a birthday (I’m an almost-Christmas baby), I’m already thinking ahead to my next, which some consider a “big” one. I do too. I’m still uncertain how I feel about turning 40, but I have nearly 12 months to prepare and let it sink in. At this point I’m looking forward to it, but there’s plenty of time for that feeling to change.
I don’t think it will—and I hope my goal to run a 5K before I hit my fifth decade (what?!) will keep me motivated and feeling positive. Some might think, “A 5K is nothing!” But—though I played school sports for years when I was younger, including softball and volleyball—running has never been my cup of tea.
Baby steps, I say.
When it comes to work, I rarely take baby steps. Rather, I give it my all and jump in, just like many of our readers did during the first-ever Lifestyles Cookie Contest. We had such great interest, turnout and feedback that we’re now planning more recipe contests for 2015. Potential ideas on the list include salsa, chili and barbecue sauce. So are you feeling adventurous? Well get those recipes perfected and we’ll keep you posted.
The New Year may hold some new adventures for my parents too, as they recently bought a house on three acres in the hills of Coarsegold, toward Yosemite. For now they remain in the home I grew up in, in Monterey County, but will take road trips to Coarsegold in 2015, slowly moving bits and pieces until they’re ready to call it a day and officially retire.
I love my childhood home—on its acre of land surrounded by pine trees, where the dogs of my youth (and adulthood) are buried, with long-time neighbors who know and care about one another—so the selfish part of me hopes they never sell it. But time will tell and they’ll do what’s best for them.
Time will also tell whether 2015 will be the year my niece, Brooklynn, will visit for weekends filled with Gilroy Gardens, DeBrito Chocolate and Aquatics Center fun. After the death of my nephew in 2013, some family members needed time alone to heal and find peace, and adult relationships were tested. Many relationships are back on track and Brooklynn will be 4 years old this year—finally old enough to start creating and hopefully remembering memories with her Auntie Andi.
I visited Brooklynn just before Christmas, and not much beats her sitting on my lap facing me, both her little hands on my face, squeezing and telling me how much she loves me.
Speaking of love, could 2015 be a good year for it? I know it will be for some: a pair of friends who’ve been dating for many years got engaged a couple weeks ago—finally!—so love is in the air. Who knows what the New Year will bring to my doorstep … I’m pretty content in my singlehood, but if 2015 wants to deliver a 6-foot, kind-hearted, compassionate, employed man, I won’t complain—though my dog Bailey just might.
Regardless, I’ll continue to surround myself with my amazing family and a handful of loyal friends, always remembering—especially those times when maybe I feel a bit down—how fortunate I am in so many ways: I’m employed, have a roof over my head, a car to get me here and there, a dog who runs circles of excitement when I get home from work. There’s really so much to be thankful for.
So take a brief moment as we start the New Year to catch your breath and count your blessings. Here’s wishing all of you an amazing 2015.

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