I recently sustained an injury to my back that has required hospitalization and, thanks to some amazing medical technology, surgery to repair the damage to my spine. I am happy report that I am home from the hospital and well on my way to recovery.
There are a number of people I’d like to thank for helping me through this experience.
My family has been with me and has been my main support system from the start.
My doctor, Peter Coelho, did a wonderful job of directing my care, diagnosing the problem and pointing me toward a solution.
The staff at Hazel Hawkins Hospital was extremely helpful during my stay there. They are a caring group of people.
The physicians and staff at St. Francis Memorial Hospital in San Francisco, where I went to have a kyphoplasty procedure that repaired the damage in my spine, were first class.
The hard working group of employees at Enterprise Electric has done a fine job of running the business in my absence. I appreciate their professionalism.
I’m very grateful to my many friends and customers of Enterprise Electric who have visited, sent cards or called me on the phone. Your support and concern speeds my recovery.
To all of you listed above, my most heartfelt thanks.
Bob Yant, Hollister