San Benito County residents are invited to a public workshop on proposed regional park and the portion of the river parkway that will connect with it Thursday, at 6 p.m., at the Hollister Community Center, 300 West St., in Hollister.
This is the second of two workshops to gather input on the conceptual design of the proposed parks. The first focused on the River Parkway, which will stretch from San Juan Bautista to the San Benito County Historical Park in Tres Pinos. Thursday’s workshop, to be led by consultants from SSA Landscape Architects, will focus on the regional park and the first segment of the river parkway slated for development.
Residents will have a chance to offer ideas on what trails they want to see between the River Parkway and the regional park as well as what amenities they’d like to see at the proposed park.
Details: Janelle Cox at 636-4000.