We are a class of third grade students in Gages Lake, Ill. We
are hoping that you will send us a postcard from your
We are working on a year-long project to learn more about the
United States and would like you to tell us about yourselves.
We are a class of third grade students in Gages Lake, Ill. We are hoping that you will send us a postcard from your town/city.
We are working on a year-long project to learn more about the United States and would like you to tell us about yourselves. What type of job do/did you have? Why do you like living in your area of our country? What types of wildlife live in your area? Send us anything that you think will help us with our learning!
We will use this information in our reading, math, science and social studies lessons.
We appreciate your time and will say “thank you” now for your help!
Mrs. C. Hughes’ class,
Woodland Elementary West School
17371 W. Gages Lake Road
Gages Lake, Ill., 60030