Dear Editor:
The past few weeks have given me time to reflect on the life of a great man, Howard Harris.
This man was so many things to so many people, but he was also my grandfather.
He had such joy for life and for his family and friends.
He has always been busy, sometimes so busy that his own family had to make “appointments” to see him.
I want to thank all the people who cared so very much for him. And I look forward to seeing those he touched at the celebration on Saturday.
There is always so much more to say about him, but I believe we all know Howard Harris and sometimes, words are just not enough.
But like my brother says, he was a lot to many, and so I shall leave you with your memories of the man we will sorely miss.
My name is Kimberly Anne Harris, daughter of Glenn W. Harris and proud granddaughter of Howard W. Harris.
Kimberly Anne Harris