Lindsay chimes in on bathroom hygiene
Dear Lindsay,
The bathrooms at school seem so gross and I think gangs hang out
in them. Do you think they are safe?
-Curious about restrooms
Lindsay chimes in on bathroom hygiene

Dear Lindsay,

The bathrooms at school seem so gross and I think gangs hang out in them. Do you think they are safe?

-Curious about restrooms

Dear Curious,

I only use the bathrooms on campus when it’s an emergency. Personally, the bathrooms could use some work but its not gangs that I am worried about. It’s all a matter of germs and hygiene. When kids trash them or janitors just don’t clean up, it makes me uncomfortable. I just stick it out until I get home.

Dear Lindsay,

I hate the food on campus and we aren’t allowed to go off campus at lunch. What should I do?

-Food Critic

Dear Food Critic,

The best thing to do is pack a lunch. You are the only person who knows what you truly like. Pack a little bit of anything and something full of color. More color makes you want to eat it more.

Dear Lindsay,

I totally like this guy at school, but I think my parents would freak if we dated. My parents are Mexican and they only want me to date Mexican guys, but the guy I like is white. How can I talk to my parents about it?



Dear Torn,

I’m sorry that you feel like you can’t date someone because of their race. It’s a family matter, and I fully understand that. Let your parents know he is a good person. If it does get to the point where you two want to date each other, bring him home and have him talk to your parents to test it out. If it really bothers you, you need to tell them. Love sees no race, sex, or color. But if your parents don’t want it to happen, then it’s better to just let it be.

Dear Lindsay,

My friend has cuts on her arms and a lot of scars. I think she deliberately cuts herself, but when I tried to ask her about it she wouldn’t listen. How can I help her?


Dear Scarred,

Cutting is a serious problem that needs to be dealt with. Usually people who cut themselves feel alone or have family or emotional problems. If she continues to cut herself, not only will she have nasty scars, but she can also cut too deep and that could lead to dangerous situations. If she needs someone to talk to, let her know you are there. Be her shoulder. The fact you care will say a lot.


Dear Lindsay,

My sister has been throwing up after dinner almost every day for a month now. She says she just feels sick, but I think she is doing it on purpose to lose weight. How can I tell if it is a real problem or not?

-Is she sick?

Dear is she sick,

It definitely sounds like she has bulimia. This is an actual disease that can be treated. I’m pretty sure she hasn’t been sick for a whole month. When you make yourself throw up, you hurt yourself physically. You need to eat so you can get the nutrients contained inside them, but if you immediately throw it up your body doesn’t receive them. There are clinics to treat this illness. Make sure you let your parents know, because they can get her help more than you can.

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