Hollister School District trustees will vote Tuesday on a $3.6 million plan that would expand the Hollister Dual Language Academy to a K-8 school at the campus it shares with Gabilan Hills.
The academy doubled its number of kindergarten classes this year and runs seventh and eighth grade classes at nearby Marguerite Maze Middle School. It currently runs a K-6 campus at 873 Santa Ana Road.
At the regularly scheduled Tuesday board meeting, trustees will review a plan that would transition the academy to a K-7 school at one site beginning in the 2015-16 school year, with all eight grades present in the following one.
Measure M funds would pay for the changes. Measure M was the $28.5 million general obligation facilities bond approved by voters in November.
To read the full text of the resolution or to learn about other topics that will be discussed at the board meeting, go to the district website at hesd.org. The meeting will be held at the district office at 6 p.m. at 2690 Cienega Road.