Happy holidays from Bobby V.
A great last-minute gift is no problem when you live in
Hollister as you have two of the greatest jewelers in the United
States and parts of Caratville
– Garcia Jewelers and Maddux Jewelers. Real jewelers, not
just-out-of-high school mall salesmen who mainly want to sell you
high percentage credit.
Happy holidays from Bobby V.
A great last-minute gift is no problem when you live in Hollister as you have two of the greatest jewelers in the United States and parts of Caratville – Garcia Jewelers and Maddux Jewelers. Real jewelers, not just-out-of-high school mall salesmen who mainly want to sell you high percentage credit.
Garcia was not in Hollister when I married Nancy but there were four or six others and I’m so happy I chose Maddux almost 50 years ago as Nancy’s wedding ring looks as though I bought it this morning. Well, I finally finished paying for it today. When Rick’s father, Mel Maddux, said “easy payment plan” he meant easy payment plan. God bless you Mel, your wife and family.
As you might know Nancy and I are 49ers. Forty-nine years old? No, we have been married 49 years. We were married in the chapel of the Hollister Methodist Church on Christmas Eve in 1958. But 49 is about all we have in common with the 49ers’ football team. We still know how to score!
Received this nasty note on my X mail. “Bobby, you have gone soft. What happened to the fire? Just because you’re Chicano you don’t speak about the damned illegals, you stupid %*%!XXX%.” And the good mother superior is right.
So let me finally let loose on all those damned aliens crossing the border. Let us not just build a 30-foot fence because they will just build a 31-foot ladder. I can’t stand the way they speak as you can’t understand them. Those damned Canadians.
Newspaper publishers like to tell their employees that they can’t pay them more because of the high cost of paper and ink. Well then, don’t waste it! The Hollister Fifty Cent Lance sports page headline of Dec. 5 clear across the page screams in ink-guzzling size type “San Benito Just Misses Winners Bracket.” Wouldn’t it have been cheaper to read “San Benito Loses?”
Speaking of headlines that stopped me is one in the same Hollister paper: “Blood Drive, Pizza and Ice Cream Night.” Tomato-based sauce hard to find in Hollister? Bela Lugosi lives!
Now let’s see, presidential nominee Mitt Romney, a Mormon, is no polygamist. He’s been happily married over 30 years to one woman. Rudy Giuliani, the “real” Christian, has had three wives, 13 mistresses and counting. Aye chee waa waa.
And a big thumbs’ up to San Benito County Sheriff Curtis Hill who was the subject of some of the usual rambling by attorney “Ramblin’ Mike” Pekin. Curtis was curt and to the point: “I’ll be honest. I don’t know what he’s talking about.”
Neither in the hell does anyone else, sheriff. But peck, Pekin must. Pekin always reminds me of that chicken scene and song in the “Music Man.” “Peck a little, talk a little, peck a little, talk a little, peck, peck, peck.” Aye chee waa waa.
And hooray to the Golden Globes for nominating two of my favorite films of the year despite being of the French persuasion. I dislike all things French except fries, bread, Bardot and their movies. “Paris Je T’Aime” is that great film with dozens of stars and over a dozen directors. More on that later. “La Vie En Rose,” the Edith Piaf story starring Marion Cotillard, should win the Globe and the Oscar for Best Actress come Academy Award night a couple blocks from here. I loved Edith Piaf since I was a teen.
I remember in 1958 going to Sacramento as one of five Hollister High representatives to hear the governor give a speech on how wonderful he was. Our rooms were near a record shop and when I came out with my purchases our teacher asked what I bought. I purchased an Edith Piaf EP and a Hank Williams LP. The advisor was surprised and asked if I knew French as Piaf then only sang in French. I didn’t. “Well, how do you understand her songs?” When Piaf sings I understand. Her song “No Regrets” at the end of “La Vie En Rose” will break your heart as she always broke mine.
Loved that story in the Hollister Fifty Cent Lance, “Local Boxer Robbed Again,” as the Hollister pugilist complains that the Southern California judges favor Los Angeles-area fighters over Hollister and Northern California. What? Cheating in boxing?
Finally, in order to save money, I am wishing by name about 269 of my friends in Hollister a merry Christmas as I know the publisher will not mind the cost of ink and paper. He knows just how important I am to the paper. I’ll save myself about $469 in cards and stamps. So here goes. First, I’d like to wish a merry Christmas to