Golden Globes: A popular shuck
Finally caught one of the films nominated for a Golden Globe
that I kept missing as it didn’t play too long in any one theater.
But during nomination season they are re-released with Academy
members getting in free.

Prairie Home Companion

was Robert Altman’s last film and reminded me of his


except without the master or the piece. It is sort of a
Nashville light, like drinking a Bud Light. Why bother?
Golden Globes: A popular shuck

Finally caught one of the films nominated for a Golden Globe that I kept missing as it didn’t play too long in any one theater. But during nomination season they are re-released with Academy members getting in free. “Prairie Home Companion” was Robert Altman’s last film and reminded me of his masterpiece “Nashville” except without the master or the piece. It is sort of a Nashville light, like drinking a Bud Light. Why bother?

I loved the film but cannot recommend it to anyone. I am not a fan of the early Meryl Streep who was always doing heavy drama and accents. “A dingo ate my baby.” Which was just the opposite of my experience where our baby ate a dingo. Tasted like chicken.

But ever since she started doing dumb comedy I love her and when she is coupled with someone such as Lily Tomlin I just crack up and anyone who has ever seen me pick up a penny knows that’s not a pretty sight. While I hope it beats out “Dreamgirls” for best musical/comedy its chances are about as good as Jesse Jackson stepping back from a camera.

We all know that the Golden Globes are a joke but a joke Hollywood loves. The award show gets more stars because not only does it “honor” film but also television. To make sure they sweeten those showing up they nominate twice as many actors by differentiating between drama and comedy/musicals. Then to top it all off they present the awards in a party atmosphere with booze, drugs and Viagra. Even Al Gore would have a good time. Worry about global warming, what global warming? S-t-r-e-t-c-h limo’s and Hummers for everyone! How I love the sincerity of the lefties.

One year Pia Zadora won a Golden Globe despite Zadora meaning “can’t act.” Call me cynical but to this day I think she won the Golden Globe when on the eve of casting their votes the members of the Hollywood Foreign Press were flown to Las Vegas for a weekend all-expense-paid bash by her kazillionaire husband who not only bought her a Golden Globe but her golden globes.

Then if to make matters worse he buys her the right to star in the stage version of “Diary of Anne Frank”. She was so horrible that in the scene where the Nazis have broken into the warehouse and are looking for her someone in the audience yells “She’s hiding in the attic.”

Cece’s back and The Pinnacle has her. Well the Pinnacle has all the good ones. Well okay, Mr. Venzykulu is the exception.

Since we were kids we were told the famous die in threes. But in my lifetime I do not remember a bigger threesome. James Brown the godfather of soul, President Ford who probably never ate soul food and Saddam Hussein the godfather of the soul less.

But I don’t believe in the death penalty so I was sorry they hung his not so hung body. And it’s not because I’m some bleeding brain leftie but can you imagine the horror of spending the rest of your life in prison? In a Mexican prison? In an Iraqi prison? Now that would have been justice.

President Nixon, our most misunderstood President, was probably the most hated, but nobody took a shot at him. President Ford who followed him into the White House was no doubt our most decent President, yet Ford was shot at twice by two women. Still and all, four times less than me. Aye chee waa waa!

I love the new year because I love making resolutions. Unlike most of you I keep mine. I always resolve not to eat vegetables; they are killers. This year it was spinach, lettuce, green onions and in Los Angeles death by green cops. Hitler was a vegetarian but Churchill was fat, smoked cigars, drank brandy and enjoyed the company of young women while dissecting a great prime rib. And when was the last time you heard of mad or grumpy hot dog disease?

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