Club Ed tutoring continues for summer
– Club Ed summer tutoring will be available for all students in
all subjects to catch up for next fall. Also available are students
who can tutor college-level classes. Math is our specialty, $14 an
hour. For more information, call 637.5831, ext. 370.
Baler Summer Nights
HOLLISTER – The Baler Backers Athletic Organization is hosting the second annual Baler Summer Nights Aug. 22 at the Bolado Park Pavilion. Tickets are $65 per seat or $500 for a table for eight. The event includes a dinner, dance, no-host bar, silent and live auction, raffles and more. Ticket sales, sponsorship reservations and donation collection have started. The event raises money for the 23 athletic programs on campus that service more than 740 student athletes.
For more information, contact Tod Thatcher at 637-5831, ext. 350.
San Benito Cardinals season starts
HOLLISTER – The San Benito Cardinals Youth Football and Cheer 2009 season begins July 27 at Calaveras School from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. A kick-off barbecue will be held Aug. 1 at noon.
For more information on football, call 664-6481 or for information on cheer, call 664-6420.
Movie matinees begin
HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Free Library will be hosting movie matinees for teens at the library Tuesdays through July 28 to August 25 at 2 p.m. For more information, call Kelly at 636-4107, ext. 20.
The library is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 8 p.m.; and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. It is located at 470 Fifth St., in Hollister.
Preparation starts for street festival
HOLLISTER – The 23rd annual Hollister Street Festival is Aug. 15 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Car owners who wish to participate in the annual event can obtain an application on the Web site or by stopping by the Hollister Downtown Association office at 455 San Benito St., Ste. 21.
Booths are available for local businesses, arts and crafts and nonprofits that would like to sell items, give out information or sell food. Applications are available online at
San Benito Health Foundation open house
HOLLISTER – In celebration of National Health Center week Aug 9 through the 15, the San Benito Health Foundation will be hosting several events. The first is an open house with hors d’oeuvres and refreshments Tuesday, Aug. 11 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., 351 Felice Dr. in Hollister.
On Wednesday, Aug. 12, they will host a breastfeeding awareness walk from 9 a.m. to noon. The walk begins at 10 a.m. in front of the health foundation clinic, with a health fair to follow.
In Thursday, Aug. 13, they will host a farm worker healthy day from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the San Benito Labor Camp.
The clinic and dental services are open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, call 637-5306. WIC is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., with appointments on alternating Saturdays. For more information, call 637-6871.
Friends of the Library book sale
HOLLISTER – Books for all ages and interests are available for purchase at $2 per bag at the shed behind the San Benito County Free Library on Fifth Street every Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon. For more information, call 636-4107.
You-Pick Harvest Days at ALBA
SALINAS – The Agriculture and Land-Based Training Association (ALBA) is organizing public You-Pick Harvest Days at its farm south of Salinas.
The Harvest Days will be July 25 and another date will be set in October. The event is an excellent occasion for families and friends to harvest organic produce alongside local farmers while learning about sustainable agriculture practices. Participants will have direct access to fresh, bursting-with-flavor produce such as strawberries, carrots, zucchini, peas, garlic, cilantro, onions, green beans, cucumbers, spinach, beets, lettuce, flowers and more.
Guests will enjoy live music from Kombucheros (Latin rhythms), Abdoulaye Diallo (West African drumming) and Corridos Mexicanos (traditional). Visitors will have the opportunity to join in the first mural painting, organized by Vincent Deluccio, a CSUMB visual and public arts student who will lead guests of all ages to help with the mural. Children, bicycles and re-usable bags are encouraged.
ALBA is located at 1700 Old Stage Rd. Heading south of Salinas on Hwy 101, turn left on Potter Rd, then right on Old Stage Rd. Turn right at the ALBA sign and follow the signs into the farm.
The Agriculture & Land-Based Training Association (ALBA) provides educational opportunities for farm workers and entrepreneurs to start their own organic farms while promoting just & healthy local food systems. For more information call (831) 758-1469 or visit
1960s Hollister High reunion
HOLLISTER – A joint class reunion for Hollister High School classes from1960 through 1969 will be held Saturday, Aug. 29, at Bolado Park.
Guests should enter through Gate 2 and the event will be held at the north section area starting 11 a.m. Cost is $25 per person, which includes a barbecue tri-tip, Al Castaneda’s homemade chili beans, salad, garlic bread and fruit platter. Food will be served at 2 p.m. Guests should bring their own beverages and dessert.
Live music will be provided by “Forecast” and RV parking is available. For more information on camping, call 628-3421.
RSVP by Aug. 3 to Castaneda by mail at 814 Holly Oak Ct. in Hollister; e-mail him at lu******@ho*****.com; or call 636-0380. You may also RSVP to Fred Pagaran at fr**********@co**********.com or call 623-2951. Make checks payable to “1960s Joint Class Reunion.”
Volunteers needed for WERC
MORGAN HILL – The Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation Center in Morgan Hill is accepting applications for volunteers who care about wildlife and who are available to work during the morning on Saturdays. Duties include cleaning, feeding and caring for injured, orphaned and sick native wildlife. Volunteers are required to be at least 16 years of age. They should also be able to make a three-month commitment and work a three- to four-hour shift.
For more information, call 408-779-9372, e-mail ed*******@we*****.org or go to
Blood drive
HOLLISTER – The American Red Cross will host a blood drive at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1670 Cienega Road, in Hollister, Aug. 20, from 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The Red Cross will hold a weekly drawing for an 8GB iPod nano for all participating donors in August, excluding high school or college blood drives.
For more information or to make an appointment, call 800-GIVE LIFE (800-448-3543) or visit and type in HOLLISTER.
Junior golf clinic at Ridgemark
HOLLISTER – The Ridegemark Golf and Country Club is offering another session of golfing instruction for children ages 8-16. The session consists of three, 3-hour days of lessons and guidance. Once young golfers join the Junior Golf Clinic at Ridgemark, they automatically receive youth on course certification.
The certification qualifies the golfers for discounted green fees at nearby golf courses. The cost for the clinic is $100 and will be held Aug. 4-6.
To register or receive more information, contact Bruce Vieira at 637-1010 or visit
Got Milk? Sponsors photo contest
SAN CLEMENTE – Got Milk? has partnered with the Dental Health Foundation to put on a photo contest for best smile in the state. The goal of the contest is to promote healthy teeth. A Dental Health Foundation report from 2006 found that by the time children get to kindergarten, 50 percent have tooth decay. By third grade, the number increases to 70 percent.
“Today, there are nearly 140,000 elementary school children across the state in pain requiring treatment for dental care,” said Stevene Uranga McKane, the chair of the foundation. “Parents need to be proactive and encourage development of good oral health habits and – as studies show – proper nutrition in order to ensure a beautiful smile.”
Part of that nutrition includes consuming plenty of calcium, according to studies. Some advice for parents includes starting to brush their teeth with a soft tooth brush as soon as their first tooth erupts. The first dentist appointment is suggested at one-year old and every six months after that. Brushing should be done twice a day for two and a half minutes with a fluoride toothpaste. Take children to the doctor if their gums are red, puffy or tender. Offer milk instead of sugar-filled juices or sodas and limit consumption of sugary sweets or hard candies that can chip teeth. More tips for preventing cavities can be found online at
Photos will be accepted through July 31 at co*****@go*****.com (8 MB limit) or through mail to: Say Cheese with Got Milk? Photo Contest, c/o RL Public Relations, 11835 W. Olympic Blvd., Ste. 1155E, Los Angeles, CA 90064.
IOOF Golf Tournament
HOLLISTER – IOOF Mound Lodge 166 is looking for participants for its Aug. 7 Golf Tournament at Bolado Park. Registration is $75 a person and includes a barbecue dinner, green fees, cart, prizes and awards, and gift bag for each player. Additional dinner tickets may be purchased for $15 each. Registration is 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., shotgun start at 1 p.m. for the four-person scramble, and dinner awards and raffle will be at 6:30 p.m. No-host cocktails. The proceeds will go to local charities.
For more information or to enter the tournament, make a donation or become a sponsor, call Bernie Ramirez at 637-7820; Ron Klauer at 637-8518; or Cliff Cardoza at 637-2623.
New thrift shop opens
HOLLISTER – Pat’s, a new thrift shop, has opened at 101 Fifth St., in Hollister, at the corner of Sally Street. The shop will offer clothing, furniture, toys, household items, tools and more, with all proceeds to benefit the Community Food Bank. The thrift shop is open Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Donations are accepted Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Low-cost support groups help locals
HOLLISTER – Suzette Dierkes, M.A., L.M.F.T. will be offering two ongoing support groups for $25 a session.
The first is an Anxiety and Depression support group for men and women that will run weekly from 6 to 7:30 p.m., at 345 Fifth St., Ste. 3 in Hollister.
The second support group is a women’s divorce and separation group that will run weekly 6 to 7:30 p.m.
For more information, or to register for the group, call 524-2371. Groups will be limited to a maximum of eight people.
El Teatro Campesino seeks new members
SAN JUAN BAUTISTA –El Teatro Campesino would like to remind current members to renew their membership and invite new members to sign up. Memberships range from $50 to $10,000. All members will be placed on a preferred mailing list and members are eligible for a 10 percent discount on our merchandise and get exclusive ticket privileges.
For more information on how to become a member of El Teatro Campesino, please call 623-2444 or e-mail St*******@el***************.com. Visit
San Benito Stage Company seeks members
HOLLISTER – The San Benito Stage Company is planning its 2010 season of productions, including children’s, teen, family and dinner theater programs. The stage company is seeking support in the form of members, sponsors and volunteers. Members enjoy benefits such as ticket discounts, advertising, and free show passes depending on level of sponsorship. For more information, call 636-0122 or visit
Community Food Bank looks for support
HOLLISTER – Community Food Bank is in need of more support, according to Mary Anne Hughes, the executive director. The number of residents seeking help has gone up 100 percent in the last two years, according to Food Bank statistics. In April, the bank served 1,660 households, up 60 percent from a year ago. The pantry provides for 5,500 people each month.
Hughes has launched a fundraising campaign and is asking for donations from community members. To donate, call 637-0340, visit or visit 1133 San Felipe Road.
Club Ed tutoring continues for summer
HOLLISTER – Club Ed summer tutoring will be available for all students in all subjects to catch up for next fall. Also available are students who can tutor college-level classes. Math is our specialty, $14 an hour. For more information, call 637.5831, ext. 370.
Rabies vaccination clinic
HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Health and Human Services Agency is hosting rabies vaccination clinics on select Wednesdays through Aug. 12. The vaccinations are $6. Primary immunizations should be administered to dogs and cats between the ages of four months and one year of age every 12 months. Revaccinations after that can be every three years.
The clinic will be held in the Animal Shelter Parking lot, 1331 South St. in Hollister, Aug. 12, from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., on the following date:
All dogs are required to be leashed at the clinic and cats are required to be in a carrying case.
For more information, contact San Benito County Health Department’s Environmental Health Division at 636-4035 or the Hollister Veterinary Clinic at 637-2580.