Try as I might, I can’t get the urge out of me.

Any time I watch it, I get that itch to join in.

And every time I get the opportunity to give it one more shot, I can’t help but let it recklessly all hang loose.

It’s something that whether you’ve done it for two years or 20, it never seems to get out of your blood.

Yep, I’m talking about football and after spending time out at some local practices last week, that desire to strap on the pads came back to me again.

“Hmm, I wonder if I can still run the ball up the middle like I used to,” I thought to myself while watching the teams run through drills.

The start of the high school football season is always an exciting time for players, coaches, parents, cheerleaders and yes, reporters.

It signals the beginning of the regular sports season, the time when the lazy days of summer end and the real grind begins.

Friday nights at the field, Saturday morning headaches. Is there anything better?

This week really marks the start of the grind for the athletes. Two-a-days are over, but now school is in session and athletes in all sports have to get used to that daily routine again.

It was always a tough challenge for me, especially on game day, to concentrate in school. Don’t tell my old teachers and this isn’t something I recommend doing, but I used to hide my playbook inside my notebook and study it throughout the day.

As a matter of fact, I believe I still have that old playbook somewhere. Maybe I’ll do a little studying tomorrow at work?

All kidding aside, the challenge to balance school and sports really can be tough, but it’s one I’ve always believed is good.

Many people I went to school with and played alongside wouldn’t have done nearly as well in school if it weren’t for the motivation of making grades to be able to play.

Some have argued to me that kids put too much attention into their sport and that sports shouldn’t be the motivation for doing well in school because kids should be learning because they want to learn.

But in my opinion, I don’t care what motivates someone to do well in school as long as they do well.

Sports were always a great motivator for me because they were something I looked forward to. In fact, they are still something I look forward to.

Whether it’s going out to watch a game, report on a game or playing a little Thanksgiving football (which once resulted in a concussion, hence the earlier let it recklessly all hang loose comment), I still have the same passion. Enough of a passion that I even miss Hell Week. Yes, you read that right, miss Hell Week. Even so much that if one of the local coaches lets me, I’ll gladly join along for next year’s Hell Week.

I guess I shouldn’t get too far ahead of myself. For now, I’ll just prepare to sit back and enjoy what hopes to be a great high school sports season.

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