Here is a holiday wish, but not a very cheery one.
I hope whoever ripped off Community Pantry gets the crap kicked
out of them and then gets turned in to the police.
A couple of weeks in intensive care, then several years in
prison would be just fine for those who stoop so low as to steal
from a group that feeds the needy.
Here is a holiday wish, but not a very cheery one.
I hope whoever ripped off Community Pantry gets the crap kicked out of them and then gets turned in to the police.
A couple of weeks in intensive care, then several years in prison would be just fine for those who stoop so low as to steal from a group that feeds the needy.
I hate all thieves and have had so much of my own stuff stolen over the years, I almost hope not to catch someone because they will get it for the past as well. That’s if I have the chance to get in a few swings with the aluminum baseball bat first or have to settle for calling the cops.
But the cowardly trash who hit the Community Pantry, along with those low-lifes who ripped off Zeke Lopez and the Bulldog Boxing Club a few months ago, really make me angry.
I hope the Hollister police are really getting after this latest one because the people in the community are outraged.
In fact, I’ll give anyone who drops a dime on these creeps $100 out of my own pocket. Call me at 637-5566 ext. 337 or my cell phone at 801-8441 and if you tell me where the thieves are and where the stolen stuff is, I’ll immediately pass it on to HPD. And if it turns out to be true and they’re busted, I’ll give you the cash no questions asked.
You will also have the satisfaction of not letting anyone get away with such pathetic and terrible thievery, especially during the holidays when just the opposite should be happening.
Maybe others in the community with more money might want to put up a bigger reward?
And a big thanks to Zeke and Tom Larkin for keeping Bulldog and the Pantry going when it would be easy to give up on these truly noble causes.
COMING UP NEXT WEEK: On a more pleasant note, here is our all-star lineup for tonight’s big San Benito High championship football game.
We will have three writers – Sports Editor and Hollister native Nathan Mixter, Kollin Kosmicki coming off the bench from news coverage, and Morgan Hill Times Sports Editor Jim Johnson all pitching in with stories and stats.
Also add in our staff photographer Nick Lovejoy, who, mark my words, will shoot for Sports Illustrated someday.
So Monday’s Free Lance will have big-league coverage of the game, including a story and photos on our diehard and loyal fans in attendance.
As a former sportswriter and sports editor, which makes my guess as good as yours, I predict Balers 20, Aptos 14.
Regardless of the outcome tonight, congratulations on a terrific season to everyone involved in the proud football program at San Benito High School.
Also, next week watch for a story on street gangs in Hollister and what is being done – or not done – to effectively combat them.
We will also be quizzing the new mayors of San Juan Bautista and Hollister and running an absolutely delightful feature on a senior citizen in Hollister who is a hero to a group of young people he has helped so much.
One more: Thanks for keeping the steady stream of signed letters to the editor and lively Citizens Voice contributions.
We’re privileged to be the forum for Hollister and San Benito County as your daily hometown newspaper.