music in the park, psychedelic furs

My name is Keith Snow and I am here for a quick turnaround. Standing behind the people 100%. Especially our youth. They are the future. One day they will grow up to be so many amazing things, like a doctor, or even a boxer, like the young kids who attend the nonprofit Bull Dog’s boxing gym, which I proudly sponsor. Another important thing is the future of our city. I have been going to meetings for a while now, and I do not go just to go, this is freedom of speech. I want to mention that it doesn’t look right when the mayor and council is always looking for answers from Marty. Why are they always asking him for answers for their problems? There may be things between them, but for the fact as a leader you should be able to solve problems on your own. Also the only time they answer questions back during meetings is to Marty and people they know. That seems like special privileges. I feel that is very disrespectful towards me and other citizens. When I ask questions they never answer me. I am not going there for my health. I am going there to learn, and for my election and do research for the people.  
I am a man with great ideas. Ready to create revenue, and bring in local jobs. Long-term jobs with benefits for the people. It is time to start helping people get back on their feet. People need to be able to support their families. We cannot keep taking; there is nothing left to take. We also need to beautify the city, make it inviting and welcoming. Our roads are a number one thing that needs to get fixed. Every department of the city needs to get in order and coordinated. That is something I will do if elected, get things in order. We will quite wasteful spending and save money. And quite wasting taxpayers’ money.
Just like for an example, on the 31st special meeting, they hired a city manager. If I was elected, I would have the people be able to meet with all applicants and let the people vote and pick who would best fit the position; that is the honest and loyal way. That would be the right way to do things, because the people are the taxpayers and the ones who pay their salary. They should have a right to know who is running their city. Even though I still congratulated him over the phone. I asked him a couple questions that I feel as a retired engineer and for the benefit of the future of the city, but he would not answer the questions I had. The only thing he did answer is when I shared some of my ideas he said, “They don’t want no change, they want it the same. Things are going good how it is now.” I do not feel that it is.
Like if you look at the April 3 meeting between all of the city council, when I sat there for over three hours, it is like all the meetings I been to. They say there are going to do something, but they have not done anything yet. What I have been seeing is them giving away all are jobs. On the April 3 special meeting they said, “We are not here to make money”. I feel that is wrong; you have to make money to create revenue for your city. They say one thing and do another. What they got does not sound right. They are not really focusing on what is really going on in the city. They are just worried about spending money. For example: the food bank. When I went to the last meeting about the city doing business with the food bank, at the same time the food that was given out in San Juan Bautista was contaminated and that is not good. That’s the deals that are being made and not overlooked, and they are still going to do it anyway, but I do feel we need the food bank to help the people but not poison the people; it is not being run correctly.
There is arson in our city, The Dollar Tree, Larry’s Liquors and Neighborhood Pizza, and how Ridgemark Realty. They said they are going to do something about that. First they said Oakland arson department was handling it; now they are flip flopping saying San Jose is handling it. Also that they are doing arrest but I have not seen anything yet; saying and doing is two different things in life. Don’t get me wrong I do like the fire chief but when I talked to him on 31st he said they are handling it, but how long do we have to wait? I feel they are just stalling for time. We have to be more professional the way we do things and be honest to the people. This is why I am the way that I am. We need an honest government.  We need to organize our city and enhance our city government to be fair to the citizens and work with the citizens. Thank you. Vote Snow for mayor, honest and loyal to you the people.
Keith Snow, Hollister

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