My wife and I attended the candidates night at the Aromas Grange and were not impressed with Art Medina. Mr. Medina said he decided to run for supervisor “at the last minute.” This bothered us as the supervisors’ position is not one you just step into as the learning curve is too steep, particularly now. For a candidate expressing a need for transparency in government, his answers to questions involved “political speak,” were vague in nature, and some were filled with innuendo rather than facts. For instance, he said he “knows someone in the position to know” that there are several large developments ready to be started. He mentioned one that is on board and a couple that have been stalled, or stopped, for years. One project he mentioned is not on anyone’s radar and is probably nonexistent. Transparency?
We also attended the candidates forum in San Juan Bautista. Mr. Medina had a problem remembering whose turn it was to answer the question first. At one point he had to have the question repeated because “I wasn’t listening because I thought Supervisor Botelho was going to answer first.” One question from the moderator was answered with “I think I’ve already answered that” based, I guess, on an answer he gave to a previous question. Another question was not answered because Mr. Medina chose to ignore the question and gave a statement that in no way could be construed as answering the qeustion. Most of the answers he gave included campaign rhetoric. Our opinion of this performance is that he was, and is, not prepared to be a supervisor, particularly in the economic situation the world, not just San Benito County, finds itself at this time.
We take our politics very seriously. We are registered Democrats but we hardly ever vote a straight Democratic ticket. We take a very close look at who is running and vote for the individual we feel best meets the needs of all the people they will be representing. With that in mind we will again be voting for Anthony Botelho for supervisor.
Robert and Barbara Scoles, Aromas

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