In the interest of public commentary, it is worth noting that a dozen parents at a microphone does not a jury make. The teacher in question for a single slap to a child’s arm while not causing injury was labelled incapable , bully and mean and has been replaced by a substitute as per Superintendent Ruben Zepeda. Other parents expressed concern over the quality of their children’s education, and I believe they should be. Last spring I arrived at my granddaughter’s open house to find her classroom locked up. I ducked into the classroom next door and listened. There were appeals for supply donations, and a shocker, parents were told they needed to teach grammar to their children. The main topic of discussion was problem children who regularly disrupt class.
Some days lunch is shortened because of disruptions and the lunch goes uneaten. Teachers are hit by students hurling projectiles at them. A friend who recently returned to teaching tells me she goes home exhausted by the struggle.
In the 1950s a wooden paddle was used on disruptive students. Now a teacher is removed with words like mean, incapable and bully. Parents, get your children in line!
Janeice A. Van Loon, Hollister

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