The San Benito County Water District will prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIR) for the West Hill Water Treatment Plant (WTP) that will be constructed starting in 2014. It is scheduled to be on line by the end of 2015.
The goals of the WTP are to improve the drinking water quality and supply reliability to the Hollister Urban Area.
The SBC Water District will have a ‘scoping meeting’ Thursday at 6 p.m. at their office located at 30 Mansfield Road, Hollister. The elements of the EIR will be discussed.
Water from the San Luis and San Justo Reservoirs will be pumped north from Union Road along Richardson Road to the plant. Treated water will be pumped along Riverside Road and Nash Road to the existing distribution system near Line Street.
This project was conceived during the building boom in San Benito County, before the building moratorium. It was needed to meet the projected population at that time. Is that population projection still valid today?
Two additional thoughts come to mind. What is the status of the eradication of Zebra Mussels from San Justo Reservoir and how will this new system impact our water bills?
Marvin Jones, Hollister