music in the park, psychedelic furs

Reveling in honesty
Last month you ran an article from Dorothy McNett on how people
were stealing from her and in response I wrote because someone
stole my flag off my car, which really made me angry.
Reveling in honesty

Last month you ran an article from Dorothy McNett on how people were stealing from her and in response I wrote because someone stole my flag off my car, which really made me angry. I was trying to make a point by saying ‘Get a job like honest people do and quit the life of crime you will feel better about yourself.’ Last week I had a change of heart; there are honest people out there and I want to be the first to say so. I left my purse in a shopping cart in the Safeway parking lot and one of their baggers, Adrian Casillas, found it and turned it in. Thank you, Adrian, we need more people like you in this world. I had things in my purse that could never be replaced. God Bless you.

Valerie Gordon


Slow growth-ers say “thanks”

Measure “U” (slow growth) passed almost 3–1 on Election Day. For a number of years people have been speaking their concerns at city council meetings over the growth issue only to find our city officials didn’t care what the people feared for.

Past and present city council members have shown they are not trustworthy or responsible to take the hard line on growth. During election campaigns some council candidates pressed the issue, “slow growth until our infrastructure catches up,” and proved later to have other agendas more important.

Even while the RWQCB levied fines, put a moratorium on building and a cease and desist sewer hook up order, we had council members approving requests for land annexation for more building. Of course, these were special interest projects for personal and political gain.

The voters have no trust in the city doing the right thing and the passage of Measure “U” was the same as a “no confidence” vote the people have with our city council and city officials.

Thanks to solid thinking voters, the city council and city officials can no longer destroy the health, safety and welfare of the community. Measure “U” stops our city officials from ruining our precious infrastructure through their selfish ambitions and greedy developer buddies.

Our city council and city officials have no vision on how to handle managed growth, so voting for Measure “U”, the community of Hollister said, “We will help guide you.”

Thank you people of Hollister.

Members of WATCHDOG


Papa LoBue gets response

Proud Papa Sal LoBue wrote a letter to the editor saying that a few of us have nothing better to do than pick on his little boy.

Well if his little boy and the rest of the council didn’t continue to say and do the stupid and childish things they do, we wouldn’t be so critical. Pauline Valdivia even scolded Tony LoBue and another council member publicly on TV and said, “She was done raising children.”

Proud Papa (Sal LoBue) says Tony is doing a good job. Yes the Wannabe (Boy) Mayor LoBue, Bruscia, Corrales and Valdivia have done a great job at joining the past councils to help DESTROY the infrastructure of the City of Hollister.

Papa Sal says, “Tony loves Hollister,” but it has been proven that Tony would sell it out for a seat in the Oakland A’s owners box.

Papa Sal says, “Tony has lived in Hollister all his life”, but fails to mention he moved here from San Jose. Even if he had lived here his whole life, would that give LoBue or anyone else the right to destroy the city we all live in?

Papa Sal says if anyone has anything bad to say about his little boy to contact him.

Well I’ll do better than that.

As some of you may already know a few of us are in the process of putting our own TV show on the air within the next month or two and we are going to invite both Proud Papa (Sal LoBue), and WannaBe (BOY) Mayor (Tony LoBue) to be our first guests along with Orange the Cat (Mayor of New Idria).

JJ Vogel


Drivers beware

On Nov. 10 four teenage boys were in a vehicle accident on Panoche Road near the winery. Thank God there was someone up there watching over them and no one lost a life. One boy is still at San Jose Medical Center due to a head injury. This carload of boys are lucky to walk away with their lives, the next carload might NOT be so lucky.

As a native of San Benito County, I have had the misfortune of loosing several teenage friends to different kinds of accidents. PARENTS, I urge you to talk to your teens about the consequences of little mistakes that can cause your children to lose their lives or make a huge change that could disable them for the rest of their lives. I have seen too many teens loose their lives by placing so much trust in their teenage friends who drive. Life is too short to end it too soon. I know how “cool” it is to hang out with the friend who drives, but I also know how dangerous it can be. We, as a community, have lost too many of our teens. They are our future and we NEED to have them around for so many reasons.

Teens: I don’t want you to have to experience what I went through as a teen. I really DID loose a lot of my friends. It still brings me to tears after 12 years thinking of them and not knowing where their lives could have taken them. Please wake up before it’s too late and you have to bury another friend.

Vickie Bettencourt Tonder


You’re welcome

Thank you all for your wonderful coverage of local issues, and prompt publication of returns on local issues and offices ( Election night. I truly appreciate your commitment to our community, open debate, access to accurate, well-rounded information, and the exercise of our rather messy democratic process. You are a great resource to us all!

Katy Stonebloom


No 20/20 vision

They say love is blind. Sal LoBue, therefore, must be blind.

Eva Reyna


Mayor Strangelove

As a father I can appreciate and respect Sal LoBue’s position concerning you’re his and defending him (A proud papa letters Nov. 7). However I do take exception at the insinuation that I am a liar, I have never written anything concerning his son that was not publicly documented and observed by many people. I have heard many second and third hand “story’s” about his son and his behavior but I will not comment or promote hearsay. Insults? I do plead guilty to that but I only followed the example set by his son, for that I apologize to him as a

father. I don’t believe anyone ever said his son was not a lifelong resident of Hollister, why would he suggest otherwise?

If his son loves Hollister so much why does he insist on favoring developers and building homes that will only overstress and tax an already

overburdened and decaying water system? If his son loves Hollister so much

why did he refuse to listen to input from the people who voted for him, why

would he ignore such obvious displeasure in his performance as a councilman?

If his son loves Hollister so much why does he publicly humiliate fellow

councilman in a very public place, resulting in a public admonishment from

his fellow council members? If his son loves Hollister so much why was the

Mayor of Hollister not present at the most critical of meetings concerning

our water treatment system? Why was that meeting even held? Because the lack

of leadership and oversight his son and the city council have demonstrated

led to it! Why does his son not demonstrate the respect expected of the

position of leadership that the voters of this town put him in? I voted for

his son, and in over 25 years of voting it is the only vote that I do regret, and always will. Your son let me down Mr. Lobue! Mr. Lobue perhaps you should take your son for a visit behind the woodshed.

You say, “Everyone else says that Tony Lobue is doing a good job and is

helping many people in the City of Hollister.” Where are these people and

why are they not rising to defend your son in the face of such criticism?

Who has he helped? Granted he did come to the aid of the people who had raw

sewage back up in to their homes. I would too if I were facing the millions

of dollars in lawsuits those incidents will lead to. If your son had been

doing his job properly perhaps those unfortunate incidents would not have

even happened.

If you think this newspaper only prints the negative letters concerning your son and his behavior as a councilman, you sir are very, very wrong. If this

newspaper has received any letters of support for your son, I have no doubt

that they would have been printed. I would ask the owners and publishers of

this newspaper that every single letter of support for your son be printed

ASAP! Have you read any of the other letters submitted to this newspaper

concerning your son? It is not just myself, and the select few you singled

out, but many citizens and taxpayers who feel betrayed by your son’s behavior

and lack of leadership. I am sorry Mr. Lobue but your statement of your son’s

“love of Hollister” just do not ring true. Had you said “love of power” then

I would be in complete agreement with you. Your son has a strange way of

showing his “love of Hollister.”

Craig Norton


A long, old cord

Mayor LoBue’s daddy, Sal LoBue, wrote a letter to the editor of The

Pinnacle stating that a few others and I should contact him if we had any negative comments about his boy-mayor Tony.

Sal writing how his boy Tony loves Hollister goes without saying.

Look at the political perks Tony LoBue has received while being on the

city council after he approved sending the Award Homes West of Fairview

Project annexation to LAFCO. Even with the Award Homes $56 million lawsuit facing the taxpayers of Hollister, Tony still voted for the annexation.

It’s so unfortunate that Mayor LoBue’s daddy and many city officials do not comprehend that “facts,” “honest disagreement” and “disapproval” of Tony and other city officials are due to their poor job performances. Our city officials are intellectually bankrupt, as they have no creative ideas and result using words like, “personal attacks,” “lying,” “insulting,” “bashing” and being “negative” as their defense for being inept on issues that affect the taxpaying community of Hollister.

Tony LoBue is a perfect example of the Peter Principle, i.e.; people reach a level of “competence.” A city council position requires a certain level of competence, of which Tony LoBue has not demonstrated to possess.

I can certainly understand a father’s protective nature, as I also have children. However, my children have become fine adults standing on their own two feet progressing through life without requiring my intervention.

From one father to another, Sal, it’s time to cut the cord.

Paul Grannis


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