Keep the campaign clean
I am writing this statement in an attempt to put a stop to the
negative blogging. I have heard about the many blogs that have been
written, and I do not condone what is occurring. Before I stepped
into the race for Sheriff, I read some very hateful things in the
blogs about the three opponents. When I entered the race, I steered
away from reading the blogs. Anonymous comments are too tempting
for some folks, and they succumb to making poor choices. I
apologize if any of those poor choices have come from someone who
has chosen me over Turturici to be the next Sheriff. I can
confidently state that anyone who has taken the time to really know
me, or even hear me speak, would agree that I do not condone
candidate bashing.
Prompted by some voters, I did read nine of the postings last
Tuesday. I’m told more than 300 were posted. Some of them were
hateful lies about me, and will be hurtful to my family if they
learn of them. I do not desire for the voters to be influenced by
things that are not true, or for the Turturici family to be hurt by
hateful comments. I’m sticking to my commitment to run a clean
campaign, and I would encourage the blogging community to support
that commitment.
Darren Thompson
Candidate for San Benito County Sheriff
Keep the campaign clean
I am writing this statement in an attempt to put a stop to the negative blogging. I have heard about the many blogs that have been written, and I do not condone what is occurring. Before I stepped into the race for Sheriff, I read some very hateful things in the blogs about the three opponents. When I entered the race, I steered away from reading the blogs. Anonymous comments are too tempting for some folks, and they succumb to making poor choices. I apologize if any of those poor choices have come from someone who has chosen me over Turturici to be the next Sheriff. I can confidently state that anyone who has taken the time to really know me, or even hear me speak, would agree that I do not condone candidate bashing.
Prompted by some voters, I did read nine of the postings last Tuesday. I’m told more than 300 were posted. Some of them were hateful lies about me, and will be hurtful to my family if they learn of them. I do not desire for the voters to be influenced by things that are not true, or for the Turturici family to be hurt by hateful comments. I’m sticking to my commitment to run a clean campaign, and I would encourage the blogging community to support that commitment.
Darren Thompson
Candidate for San Benito County Sheriff
A candidate stands out at San Benito County Fair
I attended the San Benito County Fair this year and had a lot of fun at the events that were going on all day and getting to see and meet people I haven’t met for months or even years. I walked through the Pavilion and had the chance to meet a number of people that make up the many companies, groups and organizations that are the backbone of our community, such as the County Sheriff Department, Gavilan College, the National Park Service and City of Hollister just to name a few. I even had a chance to see the candidates that are running for county sheriff and county supervisors, and that’s were I noticed the greatest contrast between the images that the candidates were trying to project to the voters.
All the candidates had a booth that boldly displayed their name and all of them seem to enjoy handing out balloons to the children, but there was a vast difference by one of the candidates for county supervisor from all the rest, and that was Muenzer, who is running for District 4 supervisor. Muenzer’s booth seemed to be very open, simple and welcoming. They even had an artificial fireplace in the corner to help create a warm and neighborly atmosphere to all that would come by and projected a true down-home concern and interest for the issues and problems that are facing the community. His opponent Fortino had a booth covered with posters of all the supporters he has accumulated during his campaign and even had a poster that boldly stated that he was the communities choice for supervisor.
Well, the election is not over, and I don’t think Fortino should be counting any of his chickens before they are hatched. I am part of the community and I am tired of any aspiring politician that seems to be more concerned about ram-roding their agenda, that they think is good for the people, than they are about the real concerns and best interests of the people they will be serving once in office.
So come November the voters must make a critical choice for their county and future by electing the candidate that will best serve us all.
Tony Rogers