Give thanks for one people
I was intrigued my Joe Navarro’s letter regarding thanksgiving.
Perhaps Mr. Navarro will let his sleuthing interests investigate
other myths surrounding holidays and traditions of all cultures
with equal zeal.
Give thanks for one people
I was intrigued my Joe Navarro’s letter regarding thanksgiving. Perhaps Mr. Navarro will let his sleuthing interests investigate other myths surrounding holidays and traditions of all cultures with equal zeal. The Indians the pilgrims were celebrating with were active participants in the demise of other Indians who, because they had the same skin color, are not easily categorized for convenience, into a different race or ethnicity with shared values. It’s pretty clear different Indians had different shared values. The names they reserved for other tribes basically translate to non-human (which are still used today and are offensive), and therefore, exterminable.
White Europeans certainly have no stranglehold on stealing land, systematic annihilation and displacement of peoples from their homes, institutional racism with single race organizations. I would hope Mr. Navarro would highlight all societies’ shortcomings in future correspondence, not just other than his own. It is pretty clear that reconquista is an ailment that all societies suffer from.
It’s also plausible the Native Americans, who were themselves invaders and probably the conquerors of the Clovis Tip Kennewick Man, also participated in environmental disasters ranging from eliminating most of the larger animals who helped keep larger flora in check, to cutting down all trees in what is now the southwest. Curiously, they neglected to repopulate the continent with earthworms from available populations after the glacial thaw.
Mr. Navarro, it’s pretty clear that we all share the same ancestry, hence, all cultures are skeletons in the same closet. Dwelling on the negative aspects of one society, while only dwelling on the positive aspects of another is not logical. I am giving thanks this year for the bounty that God has given this planet and that I may search for why we are here, rather than trying to decide whose traditions and circular logic is more pure. I too will appreciate time with my family.
Mark Dickson
Thanks for all the support
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
This is late in coming, but my thanks go out to all of my family, especially my beloved husband, Ed, and friends.
I want all of them to know how I appreciated all the calls, cards and gifts and the loving thoughts that I know went with each of them. Also to the doctors, nurses and the complete staffs of SVM Healthcare Systems, Hazel Hawkins Hospital and the Southside Mabie Skilled Nursing Facility.
I am on the road to recovery but obstacles are popping up a lot more than I care for – but I know God will keep me in His loving grace.
Leona Valdez