Gang Members Are Terrorists
Gang Members Are Terrorists


Your recent article on the surge in gang violence in Hollister (“Gang Turf War Erupts in Violence,” April 6) was timely and well written. It hit the point that we non-gangbangers are the ones who will feel the brunt and pay the cost for there activities.

My question to the readers of this newspaper is as follows: If we are being attacked by these homegrown terrorists, why are we not demanding the aid of the Office of Homeland Security?

We spend a fortune on this office and it is time we got something substantial from it.

This office has the right to step all over the Bill of Rights in order to protect us. Why not sick them on these simple-minded punks?

If Mom and Dad do not have the time to curtail their shaved-headed, plaid-wearing youth, then let the feds do it with a nice stay in the Cuban barrio of Guantanamo.

We are told of all the good homeland security does, all the plots they have foiled. Now let’s see some results.

These twerps are terrorists. Let us treat them as such and be done with them.

Gary Mueller


Supervisors Showed Courage


The San Benito Board of Supervisors should be commended for their recent vote on the hillside ordinance (“Supes May Nix Hillside Ordinance,” April 4).

Their vote was to restore a small amount of personal property rights to individuals.

It is not easy for bureaucrats to give up power. It appeared the county staff did not want to yield any authority. A second commendation is in order for the supervisors bucking the staff. That is not easy.

The same cannot be said for the county Planning Commission.

The Planning Commission is requiring Lowe’s to change the façade of their proposed building because it looks too much like a California Mission.

This is California and a mission design is an excellent marketing tool.

The Planning Commission should limit its activities to compliance with the many, many restrictions currently on the books. They should not be invoking personal aesthetics on designs that are not offensive.

Marvin L. Jones


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