Family Plays a Crucial Role in Determining Child’s Future
Family Plays a Crucial Role in Determining Child’s Future
Your recent editorial about getting to the root of youth violence and escalating crime (“We Must Get to Root of Problem,” Jan. 25) was timely.
Timely because we are now feeling the consequences – gangs and increasing crime – brought on by this country’s past harmful social trends.
So we have headlines like the DUI mother and the skateboard stabbing. How can we help prevent such things?
The role of the family should not be glossed over in an examination of these problems. They were prime factors in both incidents.
What was the childhood and family life of the DUI mother and the skateboard thief?
What social trends contributed to the formation of the personalities involved?
What can we do to strengthen a good family?
Encourage wholesome, uplifting social trends that bolster the family.
Impress on a mom and dad the importance of a loving word, a kind facial expression, even their tone of voice.
Children are highly sensitive to their parents and the atmosphere they grow up in.
Steeped in the security of a loving home, children have a healthy foundation to start life with.
You can do something about this problem today.
Tell a parent how important he is to his children. His kindness and love will remain in the child’s character his entire life.
Peter Frusetta
Tres Pinos