Letter Writer Made Good Point About Customer Service
Letter Writer Made Good Point About Customer Service
Thank you for printing John H. White’s letter, “McKinnon Lumber’s Service Wins Customer’s Loyalty” (Dec. 28).
I am a great believer in what Mr. White says in the last paragraph of his letter: It would be very wise for some of the other downtown businesses to provide this kind of service as service breeds loyalty.
As Hollister grows, it will need to bring in bigger businesses to keep up, and we will risk losing the homegrown John Barretts.
Great job, McKinnon Lumber and the Barrett family.
Charlotte Cabral
Why is City Spending So Much of My Money on Leaf Loader?
Regarding the story previewing the City Council’s meeting on Tuesday and the possibility that the city would be purchasing a new $40,000 vacuum leaf loader (Dec. 30).
When will it ever stop?
Councilmembers should remember that they’re not spending their money, they spending mine.
Ever hear of Home Depot?
Ellen Newman