Together, We Welcome 2007
Together, We Welcome 2007


Goodbye 2006 and thank you for so much for what you have given to us and for everything we have learned from you.

I am sure the ones who dream, the ones with some pride, those benefited from you. I feel that the ones, vice versa, who didn’t care about mañana, I am sure didn’t do so well.

Welcome 2007. I feel this is the time we all should make a resolution to work together. Make peace together. Share together. Join together. Think together.

If we all agree together we could make this world a much better place, and together we could enjoy what nobody has ever enjoyed before. That is 2007.

For the ones who missed the boat in 2006, they have a good chance if they start dreaming that they would like to get ahead. Get onboard. I am sure you will succeed enjoying the ride together. I feel you must dream to be successful. I feel good about the word “together.” It seems to me a word of peace and success.

In the past, I did benefit with first year resolution. After smoking heavily for many years, my resolution gave me the courage and power to quit. Drinking, I don’t worry about. A glass of red wine with my lunch even my doctor agreed with that. I feel he also sneaks his glass of wine with his dinner. Good for you doctor.

God bless the world and don’t forget San Benito County. Happy New Year to all. This is only my opinion.

Amadeu Lima


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