Hollister Needs Sun City
Hollister Needs Sun City
I am disappointed with our elected officials regarding the proposed Sun City development. I am of the firm belief that larger developments are more sensible than the smaller hodge-podge neighborhoods that make up our town. Councilman Emerson says that government should control planning and not let citizens vote on these complicated issues. How condescending is that? We elected these fellow citizens to oversee the staff and operation of this city, not tell us we are too stupid to make our own decisions.
Good grief, who “planned” the idiotic street alignments, dead-ends, two lanes running into the side of an orchard, and the rest of the dangerous street designs that we have all over this town? This town was not designed; it is simply the result of small five- to 20-acre developments laid out with NO overall street plan. Just cram as many homes on your land as possible, sorry – no room for parks or common areas, etc. This is what the city really wants?
Planned developments such as Sun City are designed properly from the beginning. They can be a model of proper development and help bring this county and city out of our current financial crisis. Downtown businesses will have a greater chance to thrive and grow. I don’t expect our elected officials to simply torpedo any idea that comes before them. I expect them to work on making sure that the citizens get the best possible deal from these developers.
I am fed up with this town throwing up the “Closed for Business” sign whenever someone wants to do something beneficial for our community.
Neal Zook
Pro-Measure S Offers DVD
City of Hollister voters, you have questions regarding Measure S. We have answers. Because you’re busy, we’ve put the answers in a short DVD that’s waiting in your mailbox. By watching the DVD, you are taking action about the future of Hollister. Together, we can lower sewer rates, revitalize the local business economy, bring volunteers into the schools, generate new jobs, improve local roads, and bring new parks and other public recreation areas into Hollister.
For those that prefer a VHS tape, please call or for more information call (831) 636-1485, visit www.SunCityHollister.com, or stop by our office at 717 San Benito Street in downtown Hollister.
Annette D. Giacomazzi
Campaign Manager