‘Nazi Thinking’ Story a Gross Error in Editorial Judgement
‘Nazi Thinking’ Story a Gross Error in Editorial Judgement


Wow, where does one begin to deal with this mentality? Let me begin by saying the editor should use better judgement in choosing subject matter, than providing this group the opportunity to express their hatred. Why waste the space – their facts are without merit and their comments are useless. Aren’t there more important issues in the world to write on, than wasting space on what these poor, ignorant fools have to say? They want to get us upset and The Free Lance is playing into their game.

Hatred begets hatred so I’m not going there. I just want to add that John Lennon said it best in a beloved song, “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one, I hope some day you’ll join me and the world would live as one.” I’m sure John Lennon did not mean one fascist nation, but one of all people, all colors, all religion.

Samela Perez,

via e-mail

Rate Proposal Under Protest


I am protesting the proposed sewer rate increases because there are too many unanswered questions.

a) I feel that the RDA funds discussed in 2002 should be for or toward the infrastructure in excess of the suggested $11 million to alleviate the huge increases we will have to endure.

b) Disposal still has not been finalized, even before going out to bid and the sprayfields are still being discussed.

c) Seven years seems to be the number of years sprayfields will be used by the city but there has been no definite decision as to what will happen after that, just ideas from staff.

d) Airport sprayfields mentioned in the draft EIR do not show all the concerns, problems and airport standards and how they will be mitigated. There are strict and rigorous FAA and Cal Trans Aeronautics standards which must be followed, for ultra safety requirements.

e) The sprayfield information and photograph discussed with airport users, by the city staff, regarding Santa Rosa’s Sonoma County Airport are erroneous and need to be correctly understood by staff.

f) For low-income or fixed-income homeowners, the only discussion as to how they can be helped to pay their increases was to pay from the general fund, so you’d be “robbing Peter to pay Paul” (as one council member described). Have grants or help through Health and Human Services been approached or discussed?

These and other unanswered questions are the reasons for my protest of huge sewer rate increases. Millions of our dollars are being spent before complete thought for the whole project has been finalized.

Ruth Erickson,


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