Flores is seen in this file photo. The longtime actor had a role in a commercial seen during the Olympics and next will star in a movie called 'August Evening.'
music in the park, psychedelic furs

The 60-second spot, in which Cesar Flores acts, aired during the
Beijing Summer Olympics and continues to broadcast on the three
major networks.

As the world watched the Olympics, viewers who observed closely enough saw Hollister’s very own Cesar Flores riding a bicycle to close out a Kaiser Permanente commercial touting the benefits of staying healthy.

The 60-second spot aired during the Beijing Summer Olympics and continues to broadcast on the three major networks. In it, a series of actors are shown riding bicycles to background music. The commercial culminates with Flores, who said he plays a grandfather heading to his granddaughter’s birthday, riding away from the camera toward a tunnel. He’s wearing a cream-colored suit while carrying a gift in the bike’s front basket and balloons on the back.

He said several friends from around the country have called him after seeing Flores in the advertisement.

“Hollister was represented at the Olympics – I was there,” Flores said. “Maybe the world thought I was there.”

Flores is a career actor who’s been with San Juan Bautista’s El Teatro Campesino for more than 30 years. He has acted on the big screen before as well in such films as “Cutting Horse,” and had a role in the documentary “The So Called Disaster” – which starred Nick Nolte and Sean Penn.

For the Kaiser commercial, filming was in San Rafael and lasted about 10 hours, though his part took about 15 minutes to shoot, he said. But he had more air time than any other actors in the commercial.

“Latino male (actors) my age, there are hardly any,” said Flores, president of the San Benito Arts Council. “I’m in demand. I’m a trained actor.”

His next role is in a Spanish-language film, which has received some positive reviews from critics, called “August Evening” that premieres in limited locations to start off beginning Sept. 5.

Flores said he also enjoys continuing to act because it provides a visual memento for his family of him, and he noted how he tries to inspire kids, too.

“Young kids, they see me on the street. They see me when I’m subbing as a teacher. They say, ‘He did it. I can do it, too.'”

To see the commercial that premiered during the Olympics in which Flores acted at http://” class=”copy”>http://members.kaiserpermanente.org/redirects/thrive/index.htm#modnav=inspiration

For the Web site to Flores’ next project, a movie called “August Evening,” go to http://” class=”copy”>www.augustevening.com

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