The League of United Latin American Citizens Council 2890 of San Benito County elected new officers to serve during the 2015 office term, according to an announcement from LULAC.
The new officers include President Cesar Flores; Vice President Parveen Sharma; Treasurer Vince Luna; and Secretary Ruth Hermosillo
According to the LULAC press release:
San Benito County LULAC was formed on October 17, 1987 and is focused on education, civil rights, justice and equality for all. SBC LULAC is well known throughout the nation because of the work this council has done for almost 30 years with youth advocacy, education and leadership programs.
Meetings are held at the YMCA, first Saturday of the month, everyone is invited to attend and join LULAC.
The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the oldest and largest Latino civil rights organization in the United States. LULAC advances the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, health, and civil rights of Latinos through community-based programs operating at more than 1100 LULAC councils nationwide.