Hollister Police arrested a burglary suspect July 5 with the help of timely reporting of the man’s recent crimes, according to authorities.
On July 4, a concerned citizen called police to report a man had broken into a home on the 1500 block of Cushman Drive, southeast of the city’s downtown. Around the same time, police also received reports of a man leaving the area carrying several items, according to a July 6 press release.
Officers visited the homeowner on Cushman Drive and verified the house had been broken into and several items had been taken, according to police.
As the first responding officer was conducting his investigation, a San Benito County Sheriff’s deputy contacted a man who fit the description of the suspect seen leaving the Cushman Drive residence, police said. Hollister Police officers responded to their location and verified the man’s identity, from previous contacts, as 42-year-old Joseph Girardin. The suspect had several household items in his possession.
The victim later confirmed that the items found with Girardin were taken from his residence, according to police. During their investigation, officers discovered another witness had seen Girardin in the area and knew he didn’t live there. The resident recorded video of Girardin carrying the stolen items and turned it over to police.
Girardin was arrested on suspicion of burglary, possession of burglary tools and possession of stolen property, according to authorities.
The Hollister Police Department thanked the citizen who called in the crime, as well as the one who took the video footage of Girardin.
“The police depend on its partnership with the community to ensure the safety of the public and to solve crimes,” the press release reads. “The Hollister Police Department would also like to thank the San Benito County Sheriff’s Department for its continued support and partnership.”
Anyone with information about this investigation can contact Officer Julio Martinez at the Hollister Police Department at 831-902-8733. Those wishing to remain anonymous can call WeTip at 800-78-CRIME. Information provided to WeTip may qualify for a reward.
Please remove this newsletter as it isn’t true. I know the real truth on that case. I am a witness that seen the real person who broke into that house. It sure isn’t the man you said it was. Joseph Gordon should be deleted and Andrew Gonzales should be the one questioned and or charged with that crime.