Pertussis vaccine available
– Pertussis has been declared an epidemic in California, as of
June 25. In an effort to prevent pertussis in San Benito County,
the Health Department strongly urges parents and caregivers of
infants less than 12 months of age to become vaccinated.
The Health Department is conducted weekly low-cost or free
pertussis vaccination clinics for persons who have never received a
Tdap vaccination and who are close contacts of pregnant women
and/or of infants less than 12 months of age on Wednesdays, from 2
p.m. to 4 p.m. by appointment only.
The Health Department also recommends that residents check with
their primary healthcare provider for vaccine availability prior to
contacting the Health Department to make an appointment.
In addition, the Tdap vaccination is recommended for all adults
19 through 64 whose last Td booster was two or more years ago.
Please contact your healthcare provider or local pharmacy to
inquire about the availability of the vaccine.
Pertussis in children and adults typically starts with a cough
and cold-like symptoms for the first two weeks, followed by weeks
of rapid coughing fits that sometimes end with a whooping sound.
Fever is rare. Symptoms and disease characteristics in young
infants are more variable. Childhood immunization does not provide
lifetime immunity.
For more information, call the healthcare provider, the Health
Department at 637-5367 or check the California Department of Public
Health’s Web site at
Pertussis vaccine available
HOLLISTER – Pertussis has been declared an epidemic in California, as of June 25. In an effort to prevent pertussis in San Benito County, the Health Department strongly urges parents and caregivers of infants less than 12 months of age to become vaccinated.
The Health Department is conducted weekly low-cost or free pertussis vaccination clinics for persons who have never received a Tdap vaccination and who are close contacts of pregnant women and/or of infants less than 12 months of age on Wednesdays, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. by appointment only.
The Health Department also recommends that residents check with their primary healthcare provider for vaccine availability prior to contacting the Health Department to make an appointment.
In addition, the Tdap vaccination is recommended for all adults 19 through 64 whose last Td booster was two or more years ago. Please contact your healthcare provider or local pharmacy to inquire about the availability of the vaccine.
Pertussis in children and adults typically starts with a cough and cold-like symptoms for the first two weeks, followed by weeks of rapid coughing fits that sometimes end with a whooping sound. Fever is rare. Symptoms and disease characteristics in young infants are more variable. Childhood immunization does not provide lifetime immunity.
For more information, call the healthcare provider, the Health Department at 637-5367 or check the California Department of Public Health’s Web site at
Blood drive
HOLLISTER – The American Red Cross is hosting a blood drive at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1670 Cienega Road, July 15, from 1:30 to 6:30 p.m. Appointments can be made by calling 800-RED CROSS (800-733-2767) or going online to and entering the sponsor code HOLLISTER. Donors will be entered in a drawing to win a $100 gas card. There will be four weekly drawings and four winners.
Kinsella speaks at Lunch with Leaders
HOLLISTER – The next Lunch with Leaders program from the San Benito County Chamber of Commerce is on Wednesday, July 21, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at San Juan Oaks. The speaker is going to be Steve Kinsella from Gavilan College and the host is the Community Foundation for San Benito County. The cost is $15 in advance or $18 at the door. People can RSVP by calling the chamber office at 637-5315.
Pinnacles National Monument Hosts Recovery Act Project public meeting
PINNACLES – Pinnacles National Monument is hosting a public meeting on July 9, at 10 a.m., at the Chaparral Picnic Area in the west district of Pinnacles National Monument, located 12 miles east of Soledad off Hwy. 146, to introduce Anderson Burton Construction, Inc. as the contractor who will design and construct the new visitor and operational facilities near the west entrance of Pinnacles National Monument.
Some attendees to the meeting include Monterey County Supervisor Simón Salinas, San Benito County Supervisor Reb Monaco, Soledad Mayor Richard Ortiz and Pinnacles Superintendent Eric Brunnemann..
The Public Meeting at the park is intended to discuss and view construction designs for the new west side facilities. This America Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funded project will relocate park facilities out of the sensitive riparian and flood-prone Chaparral Area. Staff from Pinnacles and Anderson Burton will be on hand to discuss the restoration of the Chaparral Area present the design for construction near the west entrance, and answer questions about this project and other park activities.
Project construction is expected to begin later this fall.
Help preserve history
TRES PINOS – The San Benito County Historical Society is hosting volunteer work days to help maintain the buildings at the San Benito County Historical Park and Village. The volunteer days start at 9 a.m. and end at 3 p.m. Upcoming dates include July 17 and Oct. 16. Volunteers are asked to bring a lunch, work gloves and friends or family to help. Drinks are provided.
To RSVP or for more information, call Don Pidd at 902-9349 or e-mail do*****@sv*.net. For more information on the San Benito County Historical Society, visit
Class of ’71 preps for fundraiser
HOLLISTER – The San Benito High School Class of 1971 will hold its third annual scholarship fundraiser July 17, at Veterans Memorial Park, in Hollister. The barbecue and silent auction will be 1 to 5 p.m. Tickets are $25 a person and anyone is invited to attend. An RSVP is requested by July 7.
The Class of 1971 Scholarship is awarded to graduating seniors who plan to further their education at a college, university, technical or vocational school. The scholarship was stabled by 1971 Baler alumni. It is coordinated by Rudy Bermudes, Debbie Carrillo Villalon and Debbie Paura Dike. Bermudes said the scholarship was started to help outstanding Balers who have the desire to further their education, but do not have the financial mans.
Gabriel Espinoza and Xavier Beltran, 2009 SBHS graduates, were the first students to receive the scholarship. Espinoza is studying at Arizona State University and Beltran is studying at California State University, Fresno.
For more information on the scholarship or the fundraiser, visit
BLM reopens nominations to resource advisory council
HOLLISTER – The Bureau of Land Management announced today that it is seeking public nominations for six open positions on its Central California Resource Advisory Council, which advises the BLM on public land issues. If you previously submitted a 2010 nomination you do not need to resubmit.
– The six RAC positions open are in the following categories:
Category One (three open positions) Public land ranchers and representatives of organizations associated with energy and mineral development, the timber industry, transportation or rights-of-way, off-highway vehicle use, and commercial recreation.
– Category Two (one open position) Representatives of nationally or regionally recognized environmental organizations, archaeological and historical organizations, dispersed recreation activities, and wild horse and burro organizations.
– Category Three (two open positions) Representatives of state, county, or local elected office; representatives and employees of a state agency responsible for the management of natural resources; representatives of Indian Tribes within or adjacent to the area for which the RAC is organized; representatives and employees of academic institutions who are involved in natural sciences; and the public-at-large.
Nominations should be sent to David Christy, BLM Mother Lode Field Office, 5152 Hillsdale Circle, El Dorado Hills, Calif. 95762, no later than July 29. For further information call Christy at 916-941-3146 or e-mail dc******@bl*.gov. Nomination forms are available on the web at
The BLM’s Resource Advisory Councils (RACs), composed of citizens chosen for their expertise in natural resource issues, help the Bureau carry out its stewardship of 253 million acres of public lands. The Bureau, which manages more land than any other Federal agency, has 24 RACs across the West, where most BLM-managed land is located. The diverse membership of each RAC is aimed at achieving a balanced outlook that the BLM needs for its mission, which is to manage the public lands for multiple uses. The Central California RAC advises BLM on issues in the Mother Lode, Hollister, Bakersfield and Bishop field offices.
Individuals may nominate themselves or others to serve on an advisory council. Nominees, who must be residents of the state or states where the RAC has jurisdiction, will be judged on the basis of their training, education, and knowledge of the council’s geographical area. Nominees should also demonstrate a commitment to consensus building and collaborative decision making. All nominations must be accompanied by letters of reference from any represented interests or organizations; a completed background information nomination form; and any other information that speaks to the nominee’s qualifications.
Registration starts for Camp CASA
HOLLISTER – The Hollister Youth Alliance is offering an affordable summer day camp, Camp CASA. The camp runs July 6 through July 30 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Calaveras Elementary School. The cost is $50 per student and the camp is open to kids in first through eighth grade.
For more information, call 636-2853.
Opening for house page program
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Sam Farr has an opening for a congressional page for interested high school juniors who would like to spend a semester in Washington. The deadline for submitting application materials is July 16.
Pages must be at least 16 years old on the date they begin their term. The opening will begin Sept. 6 and run through Jan. 21, 2011.
The program is open to high school juniors with a GPA of 3.0 or higher in their first two years of high school. While serving as a page, students live in the Page Residence Hall, a few blocks from the U.S. Capitol. Pages attend classes at the House Page School during their time in Washington.
The student who is nominated must pay for all travel expenses to and from Washington and must have health insurance throughout the duration.
To apply, e-mail or mail the student’s name, date of birth, school and GPS; parent or guardian’s name, address or phone number; and a brief essay explaining why you would like to participate in the page program (250 words or less.) If selected, additional materials will be required, including letters of recommendation, official transcripts and other documentations. Send e-mail to be**********@ma**.gov or call 424-2229.
Community forum on Gavilan College
HOLLISTER – The Gavilan College Board of Trustees Ad Hoc Committee on Off-site Educational Centers, including Elvira Robinson, Kent Child and Laura Perry, will host a community forum to discuss the plans for expansion of services in San Benito County July 19, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., in the Veterans Memorial Building, Room 218, 649 San Benito St. The goal of expansion is to increase the course offerings in San Benito County and gain the state designation as an Educational Center.
The forum will include information about the process, the timeline and potential interim locations under consideration, and to provide input on community concerns and priorities for the interim location.
For more information, call 408-848-4724.
Blueprint survey still online
MARINA – The Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments is still collecting information from residents for its regional blueprint workshop. The workshops and survey are being used to create a regional strategic plan to lower the number of vehicle miles traveled across the state, as part of a state mandate. AMBAG is collecting the information and will be sharing it with local planning agencies.
The survey can be found at, and asks people questions about their commute patterns, the type of housing they have and what kind of housing they would like to have in the future. The survey will be online until July 16 at 11:45 p.m.
Community groups that are interested in hosting a workshop, which allows a chance to take the survey and work in small groups to discuss ideas for future growth, can contact Linda Meckel at lm*****@am***.org or 264-5084. The workshop can be part of a regularly scheduled meeting or a special session.
SB Cardinals registration
HOLLISTER – The last chance to register for San Benito Cardinals Football and Cheer is July 10, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., in the Safeway parking lot at the corner of Airline Hwy. and Tres Pinos Road. All kids are welcome, ages 5 to 15. Please bring a copy of a the child’s birth certificate, report card and insurance card.
The fee for football is $225 and the fee for cheer is $175. Practice begins July 26 and a current physical is needed.
For more information, call Frank Casillas at 801-7430 or visit
Free art classes
HOLLISTER – Bob Wilkinson is offering free art classes on Mondays at 4 p.m., 5 p.m. and 6 p.m., at Country Rose, 722 San Benito St. The classes are limited to four students each hour. Students will learn the basics in charcoal, pastel and watercolor.
For more information, call Wilkinson at 635-9218.
Members sought for Gav oversight committee
GILROY – Volunteers are needed.
The committee’s role is to review and report on district spending of taxpayers’ money for construction and to provide a public accounting of the district’s compliance with legal requirements. The committee ided to represent the community on the Gavilan College Measure E Citizens’ Oversight Committee, which ensures that revenues from Measure E, a $108 million facilities bond, are spent as prncludes representation from business, seniors, students and the Gavilan College Educational Foundation. All meetings are open to the public.
The oversight committee meets quarterly. The next meeting is Sept. 13 at 6 p.m. at Gavilan College’s Gilroy campus, 5055 Santa Teresa Blvd.
For more information about Measure E projects and an application for the committee, call 408-848-4711 or go to
Aviation Maintenance program starts
GILROY – Gavilan College is accepting applications for the Aviation Maintenance program. The program is accredited by the Federal Aviation Administration and leads to a Certificate of Achievement (42-43 unites) or an Associate of Science degree (70 units) for the two-year program. Classes start Aug. 11 at the Gilroy campus multipurpose building. Spring classes will be held at the Gilroy campus and the San Martin Airport.
For more information, call 408-848-2861 or visit To register, visit
Registration starts for Fit Kidz Yoga
HOLLISTER – The Fit Kidz Yoga program is taking registration for its summer session. Classes run through July 29, from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The class is open to kids ages 5 to 10. Kids will learn balance, coordination, stretching and stillness. The cost is $50 per child and classes are held at the Veterans Memorial Building.
For more information or to register, call the Hollister Recreation Department at 636-4390.
Low-cost helmets available to local kids
HOLLISTER – The Child Injury Prevention Coalition, in partnership with the San Benito County Public Health Department will be offering low-cost bicycle helmets at Off the Chain Bikes. Helmets are $5.
To get a voucher for a low-cost helmet stop by the Public Health Department Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., 439 Fourth St. Payment is due when picking up the voucher.
For more information, call Public Health at 637-5367.
Summer reading program continues
HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Free Library is accepting registration for the children’s summer reading program “Make a Splash – Read!” at 470 Fifth St. The program runs Thursdays, from 2 to 3 p.m. through July 22. Children in preschool through eighth grade can register.
The San Juan Bautista City Library will be running a summer reading program in collaboration with the San Benito County Free Library. Meetings at the San Juan Bautista City Library will be July 15, 29 and August 29. Each child that participates will get a new book.
Kids can chose their reading goal and receive a reading log as well as a calendar of free summer reading events at the library. Logs may be turned in between July 12 and Aug. 20.
Some of the programs include exploring our oceans, Shannon German and her white doves, starting a garden and your water and you. Each program will be accompanied by different related crafts. Children who meet their goal will be rewarded at the Finisher’s Party with a reading certificate, a goodie bag and a new paperback book.
Children can register for the program on the bookmobile and as participants of the Reading Readiness Champions Programs. All programs are free of charge.
For more information, call 636-4107.
Class of ’65 to hold reunion
HOLLISTER – The San Benito High School Class of 1965 will hold a class reunion July 17, at the Hollister Elks Lodge, from 4 to 10 p.m. Tickets are $40 a person or $50 at the door.
Anyone interested in attending or who has contact information for the above mentioned classmates can contact one of the organizers. They include Diane Large Gibbs, at 637-5061, Marie Barrett Pera, at 630-1670, Gloria Rochelle Grimsley, at 801-2934, and Wayne Barnes, at 763-1217.
Type ‘O’ and ‘B’ negative blood supply low
OAKLAND – The supply of type O negative and type B negative blood at the American Red Cross has dropped to critically low levels.
Type O negative blood is always in high demand because it can be transfused to patients with any blood type, especially in emergency situations. Type O negative and type B negative donors are needed now to prevent the blood supply from declining further.
“The American Red Cross is extending blood drive hours and reaching out to eligible blood donors, sponsors and community leaders to ask them to help recruit type O negative and type B negative blood donations to help make up for this shortfall,” said Sara O’Brien, a spokesperson for the American Red Cross Blood Services – Northern California Region. “While all blood types are needed during the summer months, we urge those eligible donors with O negative or B negative blood types to make and keep appointments to give blood in the upcoming days to help restore the inventory level.”
Eligible volunteer blood donors are asked to call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit to find a blood drive and to make appointments.
“The Red Cross monitors the blood inventory on a daily basis and when we see a trend or shortage emerging, we communicate the need to our generous blood donors to help us make up the shortfall,” O’Brien said.
A shortage of the blood types often occurs during the summer months when fewer donors are giving because of summer vacations and schools approaching summer break are hosting fewer drives.
Individuals who are 17 years of age, meet weight and height requirements of being 110 pounds ore more, and are generally in good health may be eligible to give blood.
YMCA starts registration for summer programs
HOLLISTER – The YMCA of San Benito County is still accepting registration for its summer day camp. The program is open for children in grades K-8, and the students will have an opportunity to go on one field trip each week.
The program runs now through Aug. 12, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., with extended care hours from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 5 to 6 p.m. Some of the field trips include trips to Happy Hollow, Morgan Hill Bowl, the Discovery Museum, the Tech Museum, San Jose Giants Games and more, depending on the grade level of the student. Students entering ninth and 10th grade can register for the Leaders in Training program for $75 a week, where they have a chance to learn skills and prepare for future jobs by gaining work skills.
The weekly cost is $152 for YMCA members. The YMCA annual membership is $55 per family or $30 per individual. Students are asked to pack a lunch, a hat, two snacks and a bottle of water. The camp is located at Sunnyslope School, 1475 Memorial Dr.
For more information, call 637-8600 or visit
Water Resources Association offers home water survey
HOLLISTER – The Water Resources Association of San Benito County is continuing to offer free home water surveys to local residents that can help them identify ways to converse water around the house. Some of the things the survey includes tips on leaks, showerheads and faucet aerators, irrigation, suggested watering schedule, water softener assistance and high-quality hose nozzles.
According to a press release from the agency though the region received more rainfall this year, surface water deliveries to the county are still below historical averages.
“Even during wet years, like we’ve had this year, it’s a good idea to conserve water because it costs money to pump and treat water,” the release said. “The most immediate thing any of us can do is use our local water supplies as efficiently as possible.”
For more information or to schedule an appointment for a home water survey, call 637-4378.
Rabies vaccination clinic
HOLLISTER – San Benito County’s health and human services agency will be hosting a series of rabies vaccination clinics. The immunization is required for dogs and cats between four months to one year who should be revaccinated within 12 months. After that, the animals can receive the vaccine every three years. Dogs should be leashed at the event and cats should be in a cage or carrier.
The clinics will be held in the Animal Shelter Parking Lot, 1331 South St., in Hollister, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Upcoming clinic dates are July 14, and August 11. The fee is $6.
For more information, call the Environmental Health Division at 636-4035 or Hollister Veterinary Clinic at 637-2580.
San Juan Soccer Club takes sign ups
SAN JUAN – The San Juan Soccer Club is accepting registration for fall 2010, for boys and girls ages 4 to 13. The registration fee for the fall 2010 season is $75 for the first player and $50 for each additional player in the family. The fee includes a soccer uniform, picture package and trophy.
Players have a chance to improve soccer skills and learn teamwork while having fun. Sign up sheets are also available at the San Juan Library 1 to 5 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday or Friday, 1 to 7 p.m. on Tuesday or Thursday, or 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday. Complete a membership application, bring a recent wallet size photo of the child and a copy of a birth certificate for new players.
For more information, call Joey Canepa at 623-9048.
Give Today, Change Tomorrow fundraiser starts
HOLLISTER – The Hollister Youth Alliance is kicking off its Give Today, Change Tomorrow fundraiser. All funds go to support after school programs in the community. Donors can help by visiting Mountain Mike’s Pizza, Cheap Seats, Jerry’s, Donuts and Deli, Hollister Super, in Hollister, or Windmill Market, in San Juan Bautista, where the owners will match contributions from the community up to $1,200.
For more information, call 636-2853.
Relay For Life gears up
HOLLISTER – The annual Relay For Life raises money for the American Cancer Society while also raising awareness of disease. The event is scheduled for Saturday, July 31, at 10 a.m. to Sunday, August 1, at 10 a.m.
For more information, visit or call the co-event chair at 902-9549.
Work permits available
HOLLISTER – Students between the ages of 12 and 18 years of age who plan to work during the summer must have a “Permit to Employ and Work” on file with the employer during the term of employment. Students can apply for a work permit at their school attendance office, where authorized personnel are available to approve the applications and process the paperwork. Applications for work permits for students attending rural schools may be obtained from the school principal.
Students under 14 years of age are only allowed to work in agriculture-related businesses or the entertainment field. Students are urged to process their applications before school recesses for the summer.
Students not attending a public high school should direct their inquiries about work permits to the San Benito County Office of Education, 460 Fifth St., in Hollister. Employers who employ students without work permits on file, face potential fines of $500 per minor.
Team Baler continues monthly fundraisers
HOLLISTER – In an effort to raise $100,000 to avoid cutbacks to athletic programs at San Benito High School, team Baler will be hosting a monthly tri-tip barbecue on the second Wednesday of every month. Partners for the fundraiser include Progresso’s Tamale Parlor and Hollister Drive In Market.
Those interested in being part of Team Baler, Balers Supporting Baler Athletes, can pick up a donation form at the San Benito High School student payment center, the student activities office or go to the athletics page, and click on the Team Baler link.
Singles dinner group
HOLLISTER – There is a singles dinner for individuals 50 and over, every third Saturday of each month. Each month, a member of the group will host a potluck-style meal, offering up a main course while other members provide side dishes, appetizers or desserts. For more information, contact Sandi Gowers at sg*****@sb*******.net.
Class of 1990 reunion coming up
HOLLISTER – The San Benito High School Class of 1990 will be holding its 20-year reunion Aug. 7. Organizers are looking for classmates who are interested in attending.
For more information, call Julie Neff at 801-6764.
Summer Fun Club starts
HOLLISTER – Parents looking for a way to entertain kids entering kindergarten through third grade can join the Summer Fun Club. It is a group for families whose children has “aged-out” of traditional mommy and me groups, then this is a way to meet new people and have a great time. For more information, contact Julie at Je******@ao*.com.
Red Cross seeks volunteers
HOLLISTER – The American Red Cross, Monterey Bay Area Chapter is looking for volunteers to staff the Hollister chapter office. The chapter office is located at 357 Fifth St., and the hours are Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Shifts are four hours, once a week, but any hours will be considered. The volunteer work offers an opportunity to give back to the community in a rewarding way.
For more information or to find out about volunteering, call the Red Cross office at 636-2100 or volunteer Howard at 297-3696.
Club Ed offers tutoring
HOLLISTER – Club Ed offers tutoring on a private basis at $14 in all subjects, all grades. They even have tutors for college mathematics. Contact Rachel Flores-Zepeda at 637-5831, ext.370.
Al-anon meetings
HOLLISTER – Al-anon meets Wednesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Mars Hill Coffehouse, 610 San Benito St.
Parkinson’s caregiver support group
HOLLISTER – Family or friends who are caring for a loved one with Parkinson’s or those suffering form the disease can join a monthly support group that provides information on Parkinson’s disease, current medications and research, how to deal with the loss of function, develop good self care skills, and what steps are necessary to plan for the future. Monthly speakers address these issues as well as other issues such as finding community resources like home care, adult day care, transportation and other needed services that could be available to you and your family member. Speakers- are provided each month from different organizations on a variety of topics related to Parkinson’s disease or care giving
The group meets the first Tuesday of every month at the First Presbyterian Church, 2066 Cienega Road, in Hollister, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
The group is sponsored by Jovenes de Antano, Health Projects Center and Parkinson’s Institute. No fees are required.
For more information, contact Kim Harman at 636-4977 or Shirley Kennedy at 673-3839.
GriefShare meetings continue
HOLLISTER – GriefShare, a Christ-centered recovery and support group for those who are grieving a love one meets at Grace Bible Church, on the corner of Sixth and Monterey streets, Mondays at 7 p.m. The meetings include nationally recognized experts on grief and recovery topics. Seminar sessions include “God’s Prescription For Grief,” “The journey of Grief,” “The Effects of Grief” “When Your Spouse Dies” “Your Family and Grief” and “Stuck in Grief.”
For more information, contact Tricia at 801-9751.
Alzheimer’s support group
HOLLISTER – The Alzheimer’s support group meets the second Thursday of every month from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Pamphlets and books on Alzheimer’s can also be checked out from a resource library at the Community Center. For more information, call 636-8838.
Grief and loss support groups
HOLLISTER – Central Coast VNA and Hospice is offering free grief and loss support groups in Hollister, Monterey, Salinas and Gilroy. Central Coast VNA and Hospice has been providing quality in home care, end of life care and community health services as well as support for those struggling with grief and loss. The support is provided by bereavement specialists, spiritual care counselors and licensed social workers. The Hollister group meets at the Hollister United Methodist Church, 521 Monterey St., from noon to 1:30 p.m., on the first Tuesday of every month.
The Gilroy group meets at the Kaiser Medical Center, 7520 Arroyo Circle, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. on the fourth Monday of every month. A Salinas group that focuses on the death of a pet meets at the SPCA for Monterey County, 1002 Hwy. 68, from noon to 1:30 p.m., on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month. The Monterey group meets at the Visiting Nurses Association, 5 Lower Ragsdale Drive, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month. A Salinas group meets at the Salinas Valley Comprehensive Cancer Center, 501 East Romie Lane, from 4:30 to 6 p.m., on the second and fourth Thursday of every month.
For more information, call Mick Erickson, the bereavement coordinator and counselor, at 758-8243.
Library book sale
HOLLISTER – The Friends of the Library Saturday book sales will be held in the book shed behind the library and the Historical Society, 470 Fifth St. from 9 a.m. to noon every Saturday in November. It will be cancelled on rainy days. Books are available at $2 a bag, as are videos, tapes and more. Donations are accepted, as are donations of used and new books. For more information on the book sale, call 636-4107.
Foundation’s ‘Friends’ campaign
HOLLISTER – The Community Foundation for San Benito County is holding its Friends of the Community Foundation fundraising drive. Adults can become a friend by donating $35 and children under 18 can be become a friend with a donation of $5.
The money donated is used to fund a variety of programs each year through grants for arts and culture, education and youth, health and social services, agriculture and environment, community enhancement and economic development. Friends will receive an annual newsletter and an invitation to a special yearly event.
Some of the agencies to receive grants form the Community Foundation in recent years include Oriana Chorale, Fishes and Loves food pantry, the Hollister Youth Alliance, Community Food Bank and the San Benito County Heritage Foundation, among others.
The Community Foundation also administers scholarship funds, unrestricted endowments and donor-advised endowments.
For more information, visit, stop by 829 San Benito St., Ste. 200, in Hollister or call 630-1924.
Members needed for Library
HOLLISTER – The Friends of the San Benito County Free Library is recruiting new members and people to serve on the board to help plan the future of the library. The monthly meetings will be held the third Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m.
Due to the large increase in library cardholders and the increase in circulation, more help and input is welcome.
For more information, call Mary Schneider at 637-1794.
Returning Catholics group
HOLLISTER – Sacred Heart-St. Benedict Parish hosts a weekly meeting on Mondays at 5:30 p.m. for returning Catholics. The gathering is an opportunity for participants to understand the church through presentations, questions and discussion. Those who have left the church and are interested in returning are encouraged to attend.
For more information, contact Dolores Fenzel, the adult faith formation coordinator, at 637-9212.