High Risk Infant Program cut
– Due to budget restraints, the San Benito Public Health
Department will no longer be accepting referrals to the High Risk
Infant Program after May 31.
Due to negative impact of the economic downturn, the San Benito
County Health and Human Services Agency’s public health revenue
sources have been significantly decreased,
said Elizabeth Falade, the health officer for the county, in a
press release.
Consequently, our agency has been forced to make several cuts to
public health programs and staffing. Unfortunately, our agency can
no longer support HRIF.
The program’s goal is to detect, monitor and refer for early
intervention services those infants who may be at high risk for
developmental disabilities. The program includes home visitations
that include case management. The public health nurse conducts
developmental screenings, assessments of parent/child interactions,
environmental assessments and referrals for medical or other health
and human services.
New funding sources are being sought and the program will be
reestablished at the earliest possible date.
For more information, call Jeanne Melius, acting supervisor
public health nurse at 637-5367.
High Risk Infant Program cut
HOLLISTER – Due to budget restraints, the San Benito Public Health Department will no longer be accepting referrals to the High Risk Infant Program after May 31.
“Due to negative impact of the economic downturn, the San Benito County Health and Human Services Agency’s public health revenue sources have been significantly decreased,” said Elizabeth Falade, the health officer for the county, in a press release. “Consequently, our agency has been forced to make several cuts to public health programs and staffing. Unfortunately, our agency can no longer support HRIF.
The program’s goal is to detect, monitor and refer for early intervention services those infants who may be at high risk for developmental disabilities. The program includes home visitations that include case management. The public health nurse conducts developmental screenings, assessments of parent/child interactions, environmental assessments and referrals for medical or other health and human services.
New funding sources are being sought and the program will be reestablished at the earliest possible date.
For more information, call Jeanne Melius, acting supervisor public health nurse at 637-5367.
Teamster’s Local 890 Casino night
GILROY – Teamster’s Local 890 is hosting a Casino night at Dutchman’s Pizza, 6940 Chestnut St., in Gilroy, June 20 from 8 p.m. to midnight. Tickets are $25 per person or $40 for couples for advance sales or $30 at the door (21 and older only.) The admission includes $250 in chips. The grand prize is a trip to Las Vegas, including room and airfare. Some of the other items to win include a digital camera, a Flip video camera, sports gear, wine and gift cards. Everyone guaranteed a prize.
Marching for San Benito Babies team raises $2,670
HOLLISTER – The Marching for San Benito Babies team raised more than $2,670 for the March for Babies walk in Pacific Grove. The team received a “Top Walker” award for its achievement. Kelly Streeton, one of the team’s ambassadors, raised the most with $675. She and her mother were the top family with nearly $1,000. The other ambassador, toddle Jorge Perez, participated in the walk with his family. The family raised $700, with Jorge’s brother and sister Marcos and Jessica, working with mom Kathy to raise the money. The family received donations from neighbors, and even held a car wash.
Hollister United Methodist hosts tea social
HOLLISTER – Members of the Hollister United Methodist Church will host their annual tea social May 30 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the church social hall at the corner of Fifth and Monterey streets. The theme this year is “It’s a Dolls’ World,” and dolls will be used as decoration and as silent auction items and raffle prizes. Other items will also be included in the silent auction. The event will include delectable food, fun and entertainment for a $10 donation.
To donate items to the auction and raffle, or for more information, call Annie Laura Bradford at 805-440-4394.
$5 Makes a World of Difference
HOLLISTER – The Hollister Youth Alliance is hosting a $5 Makes a World of Difference campaign. Donors can get a sponsor card at after school program sites at Calaveras, R.O. Hardin, Maze and Rancho Park. Other sites include the Hollister Community Center, Postal Graphics and Off the Chain Bikes. The donations will be used for after-school programs in the community. Donors include WalMart, McDonald’s, Postal Graphics and Off the Chain Bikes, as well as parents and friends.
American Red Cross offers Pet First Aid
CARMEL – The American Red Cross Carmel Area Chapter will hold a Pet First Aid Class June 3 from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the office at 8th Avenue and Dolores Street in Carmel. The class is designed to prepare to students to respond in an emergency involving their pet. The cost is $45. Students will learn dog and cat CPR, how to administer immediate and temporary first aid, and how to temporarily treat wounds, burns, fractures, shock and sudden illness until their pet may be seen by a veterinarian.
The course is taught by Kevin Cole, a certified and experienced first aid instructor. CPR and first aid will be practiced using pet manikins. Pet first aid kits are available through the office for $20-30. Pre-registration is required.
To enroll or for more information, call Renate Rudolph at 624-6921 or visit www.arccarmel.org. Space is limited to 20 students.
Friends of the Library book sale
HOLLISTER – Books for all ages and interests are available for purchase at $2 per bag at the shed behind the San Benito County Free Library on Fifth Street every Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon. For more information, call 636-4107.
Becerra basketball camp
HOLLISTER – John Becerra, a basketball head coach at San Benito High School, is offering the Becerra Summer Basketball Camp for students in first to 10th grade. He will be helped by Dan Quinn and Gilbert Soza, with players from the high school team assisting.
Enrollment is $65 for first- to fifth-graders; $90 for sixth to eighth graders; and $135 for ninth and 10th graders. T-shirts are guaranteed with enrollment by May 23.
Sessions will have a minimum of 15 participants and start in June.
Session 1, co-ed, runs June 8-12, from 8:30 to 9:45 a.m.. for incoming first, second and third graders.
Session 2, co-ed, runs June 8-12, from 10 a.m. to 11:45 a.m., for incoming fourth and fifth graders
Session 3, boys, runs June 8-12 and June 15-19, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., for incoming ninth and 10th graders
Session 4, girls, runs June 15-19, from 8:15 a.m. to 10 a.m., for incoming sixth, seventh and eighth graders
Session 5, boys, June 15-19, from 10:15 a.m. to noon, for incoming sixth, seventh and eighth graders
For more information, contact John Becerra at 637-0464 or visit www.becerrabasketballcamp.com.
Anza Trail roundtable meeting
SAN JUAN BAUTISTA – The public is invited to the Anza Trail roundtable meeting with the new trail superintendent. The event will be at the Plaza Hotel in San Juan June 6, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
For more information, call Jim Sleznick at 623-2964.
Rabies vaccination clinic
HOLLISTER – The San Benito County Health and Human Services Agency is hosting rabies vaccination clinics on select Wednesdays through August 12. The vaccinations are $6. Primary immunizations should be administered to dogs and cats between the ages of four months and one year of age every 12 months. Revaccinations after that can be every three years.
The clinic will be held in the Animal Shelter Parking lot, 1331 South St. in Hollister, from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., on the following dates:
June 3
June 17
July 15
August 12
All dogs are required to be leashed at the clinic and cats are required to be in a carrying case.
For more information, contact San Benito County Health Department’s Environmental Health Division at 636-4035 or the Hollister Veterinary Clinic at 637-2580.
Alzheimer’s Association Kick-off Party
SOQUEL – The Alzheimer’s Association will host its kick-off party for the 16th Annual Santa Cruz Memory Walk on June 24 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Bargetto’s Winery in Soquel. The event will include information on the Memory walk, the signature fundraiser for the Alzheimer’s Association.
For more information or to reserve a space, call 464-9982.
Kids Rule Theater Camp
HOLLISTER – The San Benito Stage Company is accepting registration for its Kids Rule Theater Camp. The Camp is June 22-26, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for boys and girls ages 6 to 13. The workshop includes ensemble music, dance movements, acting, improv, pantomime, small vocal groups and more.
For more information on registration and cost, contact Kristy Burchard at 636-6810.
Saddle Horse Show parade applications ready
HOLLISTER – Applications are available for the June 25 Saddle Horse Show Parade. Forms can be picked up at the San Benito County Chamber of Commerce, 650 San Benito St., Ste. 130.
For more information, call 637-5315.
You-Pick Harvest Days at ALBA
SALINAS – The Agriculture and Land-Based Training Association (ALBA) is organizing public You-Pick Harvest Days at its farm south of Salinas.
The first event is Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and will be repeated on July 25 and also in October. The event is an excellent occasion for families and friends to harvest organic produce alongside local farmers while learning about sustainable agriculture practices. Participants will have direct access to fresh, bursting-with-flavor produce such as strawberries, carrots, zucchini, peas, garlic, cilantro, onions, green beans, cucumbers, spinach, beets, lettuce, flowers and more.
Guests will enjoy live music from Kombucheros (Latin rhythms), Abdoulaye Diallo (West African drumming) and Corridos Mexicanos (traditional). Visitors will have the opportunity to join in the first mural painting, organized by Vincent Deluccio, a CSUMB visual and public arts student who will lead guests of all ages to help with the mural. Children, bicycles and re-usable bags are encouraged.
ALBA is located at 1700 Old Stage Rd. Heading south of Salinas on Hwy 101, turn left on Potter Rd, then right on Old Stage Rd. Turn right at the ALBA sign and follow the signs into the farm.
The Agriculture & Land-Based Training Association (ALBA) provides educational opportunities for farm workers and entrepreneurs to start their own organic farms while promoting just & healthy local food systems. For more information call (831) 758-1469 or visit www.albafarmers.org.
Young Professionals Giants trip
HOLLISTER – The San Benito Young Professionals Group will host a trip to a San Francisco Giants game. The $50 cost includes the bus ride and game ticket. Seat reservations are due June 12.
For more information, call the San Benito County Chamber of Commerce at 637-5315.
IOOF Golf Tournament
HOLLISTER – IOOF Mound Lodge 166 is looking for participants for its August 7 Golf Tournament at Bolado Park. Registration is $75 a person and includes a barbecue dinner, green fees, cart, prizes and awards, and gift bag for each player. Additional dinner tickets may be purchased for $15 each. Registration is 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., shotgun start at 1 p.m. for the four-person scramble, and dinner awards and raffle will be at 6:30 p.m. No-host cocktails. The proceeds will go to local charities.
For more information or to enter the tournament, make a donation or become a sponsor, call Bernie Ramirez at 637-7820; Ron Klauer at 637-8518; or Cliff Cardoza at 637-2623.
Basketball Jones Hoop Camp
HOLLISTER – The eighth annual Summer Day Basketball Camp will be held at Rancho San Justo Middle School, June 8-12, from 8 a.m. to 4 pm. Boys and girls ages 7 to 15 can attend. Campers receive 40 hours of instruction, a basketball, a T-shirt, a water bottle and a DVD. The camp will also run at South Valley Middle School in Girloy, June 29-July 3. For more information or to register, visit www.basketballjonescamps.com or call 1-800-348-3803.
Odyssey Theatre Company auditions
GILROY – The Odyssey Theatre Company is hosting auditions for its summer production of “Seussical.” Auditions are Saturday, June 6 from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.; Saturday, June 13 from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m; and Sunday, June 14, from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Auditions are open for singers, dancers and actors age 6 to adult. Callbacks will be Monday, June 15 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Prepare a song and sheet music for the audition, and wear clothing that allow free movement across the stage.
The show features the Cat in the Hat as a narrator of sorts as the stories for Dr. Seuss are told onstage. Performances will be July 32, Aug. 1, 7-9, and 13-15. For more information, e-mail bo****@uc*.edu.
Club Ed tutoring available
HOLLISTER – Club Ed, a club at San Benito High School, offers private tutoring for students in first through 12th grade in math and most language arts subjects. Tutoring takes place in the SBHS library from 3 to 4 p.m., and 6 to 8 p.m. The cost is $14 an hour. For more information, contact teacher Rachel Flores-Zepeda at rf*****@sb***.us or 637-5831, ext. 370.
In search of Sacred Heart class of ’82
HOLLISTER – Members of the Sacred Heart class of 1982 are looking for missing classmates for a summer reunion. Bonnie Brown, maiden name Goodwin, and Michael Kirch are asking anyone who is in contact with a member of the Sacred Heart class of 1982 to help them pass the message along. They hope to have the reunion this summer in San Juan with all 48 class members present, with a date and location to be announced soon.
For more information, please contact Bonnie at bo*********@wi******.net or Michael at mi**********@ho*****.com.