More than 70 nonprofits participated in the ninth annual
Philanthropy Day at San Juan Oaks on Friday. The annual event,
hosted on National Philanthropy Day, offers a chance for local
nonprofits to select an honoree who has done outstanding work
during the year, and sometimes over a lifetime. This year more than
65 people or organizations were honored for their good deeds.
More than 70 nonprofits participated in the ninth annual Philanthropy Day at San Juan Oaks Nov. 13.
The annual event, hosted on National Philanthropy Day, offers a chance for local nonprofits to select an honoree who has done outstanding work during the year, and sometimes over a lifetime. This year more than 65 people or organizations were honored for their good deeds.
Gary Byrne, the executive director of the Community Foundation of San Benito County, started off the ceremony as lunch was ending at noon.
“We have more members of the community [present] than ever before,” Byrne said. “And more nonprofits present.”
Byrne joked that some who had planned to be at the event stayed home sick with the flu.
In addition to local nonprofits, Byrne said representatives from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation as well as the United Way of Silicon Valley, two major benefactors, were also present at the event. Byrne used the gathering as an opportunity to remind nonprofits that letters of intent for funding in the next fiscal cycle are due Dec. 30.
The event committee co-chairs Mindy Sotelo, of the Farm Bureau, and Jessica French, of the San Benito County Chamber of Commerce, spoke briefly.
“We are honoring 68 nonprofits and volunteers,” Sotelo said. “They are a vital part [of the community.] We want not only to honor the philanthropists, but thank everyone.”
Mary Damm and Millard Strohn read off the names of the honorees and a description of their work, while Sheriff Curtis Hill and Hollister Police Chief Jeff Miller weaved around the room, handing out the certificates.
“It is a pleasure to see and talk about every honoree,” said Damm, who is the president of Leadership San Benito and has long been a supporter of the local Boy Scouts. “I am always aware we have so many people doing so much. It’s amazing to add up all the hours of volunteers.
“We have all these people in San Benito County who step up day after day.”
Some of the honorees were selected for donating money, donating time or on one occasion for donating the use of a facility. San Benito High School was selected as the honoree of the year by the American Cancer Society for allowing the use of the Andy Hardin Football stadium for the annual Relay For Life fundraiser.
See the Pinnacle for the full story.
American Cancer Society
San Benito High School
American Red Cross of San Benito County
Debbie and Neal Schatmeier
Aromas Eagles Aerie No. 72
Wayne Holman
Baler Education Foundation
Emily Crawford
Boy Scouts of American San Benito District
Jack Kent
CASA of San Benito County
Nancy Aimola
Chamberlain’s Children Center
Ted David
City of San Juan Bautista
Georgana Gularte
Bonnie and Al Stroeberl
Central Coast Visiting Nurses Assoc. and Hospice
California Consumer Protection Foundation
Community Assistance Network
Kendra Bobsin
Community Foundation of SBC
Anne Morris
Esperanza Walters
E-Cubed Foundation
Tami Biechman
Economic Development Corp. of San Benito County
George Lewis
Emmaus House
Mary Lou Coffelt
Fishes and Loaves
Alma Terribilini Sota
Friends of the San Benito County Free Library
Ann Fudge
Girl Scouts of California Central Coast
Emily Millar
Habitat for Humanity San Benito County
Jim Fehl
Hazel Hawkins Hospital Foundation
Lanetta Bishop
Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hopsital
Aileen Bauder
Hollister Airmen’s Association
Ed Owens
Hollister Angels Youth Ministry
Joe Garcia
Hollister Downtown Association
Jason Guerra
Hollister Elks Lodge No. 1436
Ismael Hernandez
Hollister Exchange Club
David Ortiz
Hollister Lions Club
Carole Churchill
Hollister Sister City Association
Japanese American Citizen’s League
Hollister Youth Alliance
Kathy Johnson
Homeless Coalition of San Benito County
Kathy Hough
Hope for a Cure
Mary Andrade
Jacob’s Heart
Melissa McDill
Janet Graham Memorial Fund
Lori Woodle
Jovenes de Antano
Edward Ballesteros
Junior Acheivement of SV and MB
Beverly Meamber
Kinship Center, Gabilan Chapter
Suzie Crump
Leadership San Benito County
Kathy Johnson
Pinnacles Partnership
John Mark Maio
Pinnacle Quilters of San Benito County
Sheila Galindo
Rotary Club of Hollister
Pete Gong
Rotary Club of San Juan Bautista
Larry Cain
Sacred Heart Parish School
Kathy O’Donnell
Saint Francis Retreat Center
Carla Hendershot
San Benito Babe Ruth
Todd Marentis
San Benito County Arts Council
Kathleen Sheridan
San Benito County Chamber of Commerce
Toni Rovella
San Benito County Farm Bureau
Candi Jenkins
San Benito County Free Library
Leroy Hachinsi
San Benito County Heritage Foundation
Jackie McAbee
San Benito County Historical Society
Aurelia Bozzo
San Benito County LULAC No. 2890
Rudy Rodriguez
San Benito Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies
Maria Fehl
San Benito High School District
George and Lucille Rajkovich
Marie and Greg Hoffman
The San Benito Local Child Care Council
Kay Gibson
San Benito Oriana Chorale
Doug Eppard
San Juan Bautista Foundation
Richard Morris
Joe Morris
San Juan Bautista Library Auxiliary
Jeanette Horley
Top Hatters Motorcycle Club
Francisco “Kico” Sanchez
Women’s Club of Hollister
Betty Jeanne Holt
YMCA of San Benito County
George Barton
Other nonprofits present:
Advocacy, Inc.
Aromas Hills Artisans
Community Food Bank
First 5 San Benito
David & Lucile Packard Foundation
Pet Friends
San Benito County Fire Safe Council
San Benito Health Foundation
The Leslie L. Garrett VFW No. 6359
United Way of Silicon Valley