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Re: Planners support highway node rezoning

How can another node come up after all we have been through? With this pandemic, slow growth preferred by voters, and after election chaos, how can business as usual proceed? It’s like someone got the turkey wishbone and pulled both ends wishing for business as usual. Nodes keep popping up like ducks in a carnival shooting gallery. It’s time leaders faced reality: time to be creative, time to be thoughtful.

Cookie-cutter developers with dollar logos for eyeballs and tax revenue streaming from their mouths play like a very old movie. How easily they forget our summer of smoke dimming our vision, smarting our eyes and damaging our crops. How easily they forget our first shelter in place, soon to be repeated because of the uptick in Covid-19 cases and deaths.

It appears that a Covid vaccine will be available by the end of December. New technology developed in our universities directed the use of viral genetic material rather than time consuming care of growing weakened viruses. The below zero temperatures preserve gene stability. We want our leaders cooperating with the health department to plan the system of vaccine distribution and inoculation. Our frontline doctors and nurses need to be first in line, followed by food workers.

Concern about lost jobs and businesses need a targeted out-reach to Gavilan College to offer courses in windmill construction and maintenance plus business classes and classes in weatherizing homes and offices. An educated workforce promotes an economy. Encourage housing or business construction in those empty city spaces known as in-fill. Sprawl, which built America in the 1950’s, is no longer viable in the 21st century of threats and promises.  

Mary Zanger


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